Example sentences of "as they move [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Together they cleared the table , and as they moved about the kitchen Lucy thought of her aunt , and in doing so she remembered something that caused her to turn to Silas .
2 As they moved between the tables , three elderly Han came towards them , bowing and smiling .
3 From every direction microphones , lenses and T.V. cameras followed the entourage as they moved between the looms on a tour of the factory .
4 A yellow-jacketed police constable — one of the men at the security barrier — followed sheepishly behind the two men with the cases as they moved into the reception area .
5 Donna , too , felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise as they moved into the right-hand gallery .
6 Almost as soon as they moved into the Carno premises they had outgrown them .
7 Lindsey 's breathing felt constricted as they moved into the crowd .
8 As they moved across the courtroom the army man stepped out to meet them .
9 ‘ There it is , ’ Diane said as they moved to the rail .
10 The carpets were deep and expensive , and they made no sound as they moved to the end of the hall .
11 As they moved through the halls and the corridors , she felt as never before the layers upon layers of history .
12 The billows of cloud were gleaming as they moved through the rain , and briefly her senses lifted at the sight , but there was no instant consolation there — only , inside a crowded mind , a sudden increase of space .
13 Only they were men , scattering , seeking cover as they moved towards the place where he was hiding .
14 ‘ Thank you , Madame , that will be all for the moment , but , ’ he bent his head close to her ear as they moved towards the door , ‘ I would ask you to act as my eyes and ears when I am not present .
15 As they moved towards the green baize door he added as an afterthought , ‘ Oh , and Elsa , if anyone asks you what nationality you are , say you 're Swiss . ’
16 As they moved towards the next tee she nodded towards her niece .
17 She should be safe enough , she reasoned as they moved towards the dance floor where the discotheque was playing .
18 ‘ This is n't for research , as such , ’ she told him as they moved along the rows of apparatus .
19 As they moved along the route she became aware of birds singing in the trees , and of sheep grazing peacefully in the fields .
20 ‘ Personally I think it 's overrated , ’ Jill laughed as they moved along the table , Lindsey helping herself to food she did n't really want .
21 Holly saw the blackened uniforms of the guards as they moved amongst the debris of the office that they had retrieved .
22 As they moved around the room , Luke introducing her to the people with whom she would be working , Maria struggled to put his threats out of her mind and minimise her own reaction to him , both six years ago and now .
23 It gave her the chance to be with Marguerite , though , and they talked quite easily as they moved around the kitchen .
24 Shafts of red sunlight illuminated the timbers as they moved from the support of one building to another across a street filled with people .
25 The stars were fading , the half moon had set ; the land behind floated in the blind blackness , with nicks of silver where the leaves of certain trees shone as they moved in the breeze , as if it were an irregular and battered meteorite floating in the emptiness .
26 One of the delights of owning a pond is to watch the fish as they move through the water .
27 However , a minority of features may be the result of waves which influence cloud formation as they move through the atmosphere .
28 Into this category of changes which are good in themselves also fall such strategies as encouraging girls as well as boys to play with constructional toys and engage in CDT activities as they move through the education system from nursery to secondary school .
29 These issues will be explored by following a sample of pupils in three schools as they move through the final four years of compulsory education .
30 The dummies are dressed in worn clothes which retain a strong human scent , and some have mobile heads which give an illusion of life as they move into the wind .
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