Example sentences of "as they do [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 How early Pound came by this perception is not clear , but certainly he had no illusions from the first that his Cantos , building as they did on the rhythmical and thematic procedures of Homage to Sextus Propertius , would be found readily acceptable .
2 Rooms did not interconnect or have folding doors , as they did on the Continent ; they had a single door that could be shut .
3 Animate or inanimate , indifferent or not , there was something luminous and terrible about these clouds , raining as they did on the just and the unjust alike .
4 And it may be that the Gardener Centre has a broader community function than previously realized , in that it might be a marvellous place for families and kids and mums and dads , as they did on the recent Gardener Open Day , to come up and spend some time in casual appreciation of the arts instead of what , traditionally , a university campus is supposed to do , which is a serious and intensive look at experimental and avant garde work .
5 Ealhfrith 's personal religious predilections need not necessarily have borne undertones of political dissatisfaction but the differences on ecclesiastical matters between father and son , coming as they did at a time of profound change in Oswiu 's former position of influence in southern England , probably reflected a crisis of potentially serious dimensions .
6 He feels that , for such an important event , countries should have a day 's rest between their games , as they did at the 1986 World Cup in London , where England lost in the final to Australia .
7 He feels that , for such an important event , countries should have a day 's rest between their games , as they did at the 1986 World Cup in London , where England lost in the final to Australia .
8 A few girls were dancing together as they did at the youth club hops and the dancing was of the proper ‘ ballroom variety ’ — waltzes , quicksteps and foxtrots .
9 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s .
10 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s
11 Third , they would have the same percentage — 55.6 — of the list votes as they did of the actual constituency votes .
12 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
13 They suffered considerable prejudice and criticism , adding as they did to the already excessive pool of surplus urban labour , though in practice they concentrated in trades , such as tailoring , in which there was relatively little competition .
14 There they give just the same protection to their new owners as they did to the jellyfish that developed them .
15 In cosmopolitan Cairo with its three principal working languages and at least a dozen other widely used ones people turned as readily to the overseas press as they did to the native one .
16 Does not my right hon. Friend agree that the last thing that business needs is for business rates to be brought back under the control of uncapped , loony Labour authorities who will send rates sky rocketing , as they did during the early 1980s ?
17 to have a course , but if the crew on that particular ship mutinies , as they did during the last er Shadow Cabinet , then you 're in trouble , are n't you ?
18 They will not behave towards the new favourite ( Benjamin ) as they did towards the old .
19 However , even the inland counties might find themselves paying as much in local military taxes as they did for the subsidy ; and coastal shires might well pay more .
20 The southern States stand out very strongly as having experienced a Democratic hegemony then , as they did for the entire century beforehand .
21 That coterie would also act , as they did for the 1991 event , very much as a think tank .
22 I also put together an adaptation of my own from The Pickwick Papers in which I took on four characters all travelling in a coach together , then mixed it with the narration , rather as they did with the production of Nicholas Nickleby .
23 The same as they did with the one in Bangor , they closed that down for being political .
24 They will be able to milk local taxpayers as they did with the rates , irrespective of the consequences .
25 They can go there as they did with the industrial conferences , but we have to make this careful balance between parts of our membership .
26 They are choosing to ignore it , just as they did with the poll tax .
27 The most radical of these new mayors , like Bassam Shak'a of Nablus and Karim Khalaf of Ramallah , found themselves facing almost as much difficulty from Jordan and the PLO leadership as they did from the Israeli authorities .
28 My only reservation is that the public who use the stand will not be able to see the racing in the same manner as they did from the old open top affairs .
29 The consequence of this ‘ friendly and useful ’ advice was that the parts healed in half the time after the second operation as they did after the first .
30 ENGLAND suffered the same fate in the second Test with Pakistan in Lahore as they did in the first , losing heavily .
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