Example sentences of "as he [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A WOMAN stabbed her husband in the back as he laughed at her , a court heard .
2 The torchlit streets , as he passed through them , were not given up as usual to the cats and the late-night lovers or revellers but were occupied by knots of busy , muttering men , putting up ladders and hoardings , clearing mud , hanging carpets for tomorrow 's Festival which was for St Nicholas and himself , not for the burghers of Bruges .
3 " A lendri , " he muttered as he passed through them .
4 Holly saw his face as he passed behind him on the perimeter path , a face that was scraped with despair .
5 As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out .
6 There was no mistaking the menace in his demeanour as he advanced towards her , and Fran took several hasty steps backwards before coming to an abrupt halt against the wall .
7 In those moments , those final moments as he took her and reached ecstasy , she had been able to believe he loved her , felt something for her ; and , though she knew he did not , she was moved , wanted to retain those precious moments which he had just given her when he had finally stripped the mask away and let her see how human he was as he merged with her and lost himself inside her .
8 Would n't know as he spewed on me .
9 There was a harshness in his voice , echoed in the depths of his eyes as he glared at her .
10 The emperor 's angry face shone pale in the firelight as he glared about him .
11 As he brushed past her , she dropped her head on to the cold stone of the tomb .
12 His eyes lit with an unsettling gleam as he brushed past her .
13 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
14 The warrant officer was speechless , but not for long and he thundered at him as he had on me a few minutes before .
15 I could hear him sniff as he went before me .
16 He thought it was me , and he put on a bit of a spurt and as he went by I tripped him up . ’
17 Mind you , fair 's fair : they went after him just as much as he went after them — he were a good-looking chap , well set-up , like .
18 As he came towards her her hand went to her throat , and he said , ‘ It 's all right .
19 She rose as he came towards her .
20 He was smiling grimly now as he came towards her .
21 As he came towards her out of the darkness the inevitable shock of physical awareness swept over her , sharpened now by the experience they had just shared .
22 Erm he did n't even very much but as soon as he came between me and Juliet , he just I 'm lucky I killed him .
23 One man , Hamad Hasan al-Harash , had a notebook in which he wrote down important events as he came across them : some were reports of what very old men had told him thirty or forty years ago ; others were things he had read ; others still were things which had happened to him .
24 By nightfall , ten thousand victims of the explosion had invaded the Red Cross Hospital , and Dr Sasaki , worn out , was moving aimlessly and dully up and down the stinking corridors with wads of bandages and bottles , binding up the worst cuts as he came to them .
25 She welcomed him with outstretched arms as he came to her , knowing there was no retreat now and glorying in the thought of her forthcoming submission .
26 The door of No. 4 was open , the room empty ; No. 3 , the room his mother shared with Bunty Baird , was shut , and as he came to it he heard a sharp crack , a yelp and Bunty 's voice ‘ Oh shog off , you silly old fool , beat it ! ’
27 He grinned as he came at her again .
28 Near the end of the game one of the Spanish players fell over the Scottish goal-line with the ball in his possession , but dropped the ball as he fell on it .
29 Unlike Astorre , who recovered as quickly from his rages as he fell into them , Tobie had not forgotten what lay behind them suspended at Famagusta .
30 For hours the planet had grown no larger in Miles Engado 's faceplate ; seeming instead to retreat as he fell towards it .
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