Example sentences of "as is [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , if the electronic transition is accompanied by a significant change in the metal-ligand bonding it is likely that the most symmetrical metal-ligand stretching mode will be enhanced in intensity by the resonance Raman effect , as is observed for the and ions ( see Fig. 5. 52 ) .
2 The purpose of preparing a transcript is to present , in print , as complete a record of the taped material as is required for the particular assessment : ‘ It provides the foundation of ; 11 subsequent analyses and , as such , its importance can not be over estimated ’ ( Crystal 1984 ) .
3 The easy answer was that a person absent without leave ( that is a person who does not have the leave of his or her responsible medical officer within s.17 of the Mental Health Act 1983 to be absent from the hospital ) is a person unlawfully at large ( as is required for the operation of the entry power in s.17 of PACE ) .
4 These principles are expressed as follows : ( 13 ) The co-operative principle make your contribution such as is required , at the stage at which it occurs , by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged ( 14 ) The maxim of Quality try to make your contribution one that is true , specifically : ( i ) do not say what you believe to be false ( ii ) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence ( 15 ) The maxim of Quantity ( i ) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange ( ii ) do not make your contribution more informative than is required ( 16 ) The maxim of Relevance make your contributions relevant ( 17 ) The maxim of Manner be perspicuous , and specifically : ( i ) avoid obscurity ( ii ) avoid ambiguity ( iii ) be brief ( iv ) be orderly In short , these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a maximally efficient , rational , co-operative way : they should speak sincerely , relevantly and clearly , while providing sufficient information .
5 Wherever voters have indicated a further preference , transfers will be made in accordance with the same formula as is used for the transfer of a primary surplus : the surplus is divided by the number of transferable votes , multiplied by the number of papers in each continuing candidate 's sub.parcel .
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