Example sentences of "as it have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 shades they were made in Finland they were the paper pleated ones , er , most of them , no , no not most of them , a lot of them fitted er close up onto the ceiling where they 're intended for centre lights and were held up onto the ceiling with a little spring , erm , they also did some quite nice pleated paper shades , er at a time when you find that most electrical shops were , would have er the old type of erm what is it , imitation silk shades with fringes round them , er fringe at the top and fringe at the bottom and so on sort of thing , when the , when those was sort of old of age everywhere , it was just the same as it 'd been before the war , er it was , you know , quite right really to see these all in different colours , completely plain , but pleated shades but in just one particular colour each shade .
2 The Jewish community continued to be led by the Chief Rabbi , as it had been under the Byzantine emperors .
3 Nigeria thus became an administered rather than a political society , just as it had been under colonialism .
4 In 613 the kingdom was reunited , as it had been under the previous Chlothar in 558 .
5 Unionists of the time would scarcely have recognized the terms of the debate , for in 1922 the party was still embroiled with Ireland and the House of Lords , held a smaller share of the popular vote than ever before , and was still split as it had been since 1902 ; few Unionists would have seen the war as a turning-point for the better in the party fortunes .
6 The VP , however , remained the dominant force in Vanuatu politics as it had been since independence , and won all five by-elections in December 1989 caused by the resignations of the Sope faction after the leadership struggle .
7 But Spain would never again be as politically and economically isolated as it had been between 1945 and 1950 .
8 In spite of everything , her mind kept returning to Antoinette — seeing her face as it had been during their last confrontation in Monpazier , twisted with bitterness and hate .
9 This was largely but not exclusively an obsession of Congregationalists , much as it had been of mediaeval bishops .
10 But the surgery on Monday morning was not as busy as it had been of late .
11 The torrent here was almost as fearsome as it had been at the original crossing point , but not so deep .
12 Although the capacity was restricted to 25,000 , because of the redevelopment of Leeds ' home , the noise and expectancy from the crowd was as intense as it had been at Ibrox .
13 As a result , by the end of the decade , output per person in manufacturing was half as much again as it had been at the start of the decade .
14 The magic was every bit as exciting the second time around as it had been with William .
15 When , a year later , with paintings such as Man with Violin , Braque 's Cubism reached a second climax of complexity and became also highly difficult to read or interpret , one senses that it was not owing to the excitement of working with a new , more abstract technique as it had been with Picasso , but because his interest in elaborately breaking up the picture surface so as to analyse the relationships between the objects and the space surrounding them , slowly and inevitably led him to this kind of painting .
16 Improvement ensued under Tub LM1 ( again taken from a 5ml dropper bottle ) although the patient commented that the wheeziness was n't as clear as it had been on the first Phosphorus .
17 It was not as thick as it had been on the night Mary Lou Evans had died , but it was still sufficient to reduce visibility to about 30 - 40 yards .
18 The England that Pound mourns the loss of is , as it had been for him from the first , an integral province of western Europe , sharing a common culture with France and always reaching out , through France , to the shores of the Mediterranean .
19 But the issue was still a tactical one , as it had been for Marx ; national liberation was a means to support or obstruct the unity of the working class and the achievement of socialist revolution in Russia , not a matter of general principle .
20 It was a fortress town and a trading centre , as it had been for the Romans 800 years earlier .
21 They used computers instead of quill pens , but the outcome of their labours was still the same as it had been for centuries — trade , the buying and selling of things that other people made .
22 At least until 1917 , and to some extent even until 1945 , Europe was the decisive arena of world power , as it had been for centuries .
23 Accordingly , he attempted to shift Marxism away from orthodox theories of an absolute determinism towards the primacy of a concept of ‘ History ’ which , while still a totality as it had been for Lukács , a process with a determinate meaning and end , could also include a concept of human agency and thus articulate the individual with the social , freedom with determinism .
24 In 1817 England was still , as it had been for centuries , an agricultural nation , only 20 per cent of the population living in towns .
25 In the eighteenth century the possession of land was still , as it had been for centuries , the only firm basis of influence and power .
26 In cases where marriage has been discussed , pregnancy is not unwelcome , and may even have been anticipated , as it had been for Claire , who married her husband when she was five months pregnant .
27 The luncheon table was laid as it had been for 50 Christmases , with a pyramid of polished John Standish apples from Somerset in the middle , flanked by Christmas roses and trails of ivy .
28 But , I think it would be illusory to think that we can maintain our profits from land in ninety three at the same level as it had been for ninety one and two .
29 The old imperial line of communication through the Mediterranean , Suez Canal , Red Sea and Indian Ocean to the Far East and the Antipodes would be just as important to the Commonwealth as it had been to the colonial Empire .
30 Dynasticism was not dead ; for some rulers , promoting family interests was as important as it had been to a Tudor or a Valois .
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