Example sentences of "as they had been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
2 They were unfortunate in that batting conditions for them were not as favourable as they had been for the West Indians .
3 Ipswich were as lethargic at the start of the second half as they had been for the majority of the first and on the hour , in an attempt to liven them up , Lyall brought off Milton and Goddard to introduce Palmer and Johnson .
4 They were located above the centre of the road instead of being drawn out to one side , as they had been for the trams .
5 But the South African Rugby Board and the South African Rugby Union continued to get bogged down , as they had been for the last three years , even with the help of intermediaries of the stature of Nelson Mandela , in their attempts to reach accord and form one , united body for rugby football in their country .
6 Twenty-five years to the day since England beat West Germany 4–2 in extra time at Wembley to win the World Cup for the first time and , so far , only time in a glorious ( etc , etc — the back pages that morning were awash , as they had been for days , with nostalgia and breast-beating and rush-of-blood reminiscence ) footballing history ; the apotheosis of the game , which , according to one writer at the time , ‘ lives like an extra pulse in the people of industrial England . ’
7 Most superior buildings also sustained their Palladian principles , but they became less formal : for example , the central salon , the grand reception room of the Palladian house ( Fig. 14 ) , lost some of its ceremonial identity and might even be occupied by a billiard table ; women were no longer debarred from the library , as they had been for much of the previous century .
8 On the contrary , such dispositions of honores and patronage were , as they had been for Charles 's predecessors , crucial instruments of royal power in the regions .
9 Yet , while many chairmen persisted in denying it , the probability is that domestic prices remained inadequate to meet the overall costs of supplying domestic consumers , as they had been on nationalisation , though now for a new set of reasons , which betrayed a continuing inadequate degree of attention to proper costing exercises .
10 Bales had been arranged for the jury as they had been on the night of the fire .
11 The questions posed by the existence of the asylums thus remained as unanswered at the end of these closures as they had been at the inception of their planning in 1978 , when NETRHA officers too were also beginning the difficult task of addressing them .
12 It had been a puzzle that they could be knocked around in interaction with each other and yet emerge unscathed , the same as they had been at the beginning .
13 Although Clare had decided to call in Meg , she did n't ; at first because in the morning things were n't so pressing as they had been at night , and then because she was too busy at the Refuge , and then because it really did n't seem fair .
14 Encouraged by the pride of the town authorities , the Guy Fawkes celebrations provided an annual explosion for the town 's poor : deprived as they had been of saints ' days with the advent of Puritanism , they came from the miserable hovels cramped in the town 's back alleys to protest not only against the symbols of oppression but also , in bad years , against the local oligarchy .
15 Compulsory ‘ liberal studies ’ was , however , not to remain a distinctive feature of CNAA degrees as they had been of the Diploma in Technology .
16 Enjoying widespread support in the constituencies , the supporters of the tariff threatened to become a danger to Baldwin 's leadership — as they had been during the 1929–31 period .
17 The rather frayed drapes , either side of the tall windows , had a silky sheen in the soft lamplight , the scratched furniture and the threadbare state of the rugs no longer as visible as they had been under the brilliant glare of the harsh overhead light .
18 The famous English institutions of learning , the universities and colleges of Oxford and Cambridge and the colleges at Eton and Winchester were specifically exempted from the provisions of the Act , as they had been from earlier legislation .
19 Famines had been a cyclical phenomenon in the Volga region , as they had been in Asia , for centuries .
20 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
21 Was she praying for resurrection , asking the mysterious , invisible Maker of All Things to hasten the day when she and her dearly loved man would be united again as they had been in those golden days long past ?
22 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
23 After the first thirty years of operation of the NHS , however , there had been disappointingly little change ; in 1976 , the Court Report noted that the variations in regional provision of service were still much the same as they had been in 1948 when the NHS began .
24 Ironically , the protest had nothing to do with the South Africans who were as warmly received as they had been in Jamaica and Trinidad , greeted and feted by the government and watched by Prime Ministers Erskine Sandiford of Barbados and P.J. Patterson of Jamaica who came specially for the historic occasion , the first Test ever played between teams previously kept apart by the ideology of racial superiority .
25 It was summer , and he walked around the beautiful gardens alone , admiring the beds of shrub-roses which had been laid out here as they had been in Josephine Bonaparte 's gardens at Malmaison .
26 It seemed like an excellent opportunity to put himself to the test , see if his reflexes were as finely honed as they had been in the old days .
27 In time , she hoped that some theatrical Producer would see to it that Shakespearian plays were performed on the cliffs again , as they had been in the nineteen thirties .
28 As last season illustrated , Neath were nowhere near as good as their Champion status indicated , nowhere near as good as they had been in the seasons of extraordinary success that preceded the advent of the leagues .
29 But in addition , when they reached Lyons , the king 's messenger told Anselm that the king would not allow him to return to England unless he promised to observe the customs of the kingdom as they had been in the time of Rufus .
30 Mary 's reign witnessed a spontaneous renewal of enthusiasm for the local celebrations banned under Edward , and Corpus Christi processions , Whitsun ales , May games , and the decking of churches once more became as common as they had been in the last years of Henry 's reign .
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