Example sentences of "as they [vb base] for the " in BNC.

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1 Reading have returned to the blueprint of their 1990 title success by recalling Per Jonsson and Armando Castagna as they strive for the right formula to regain the league championship .
2 Gabellah speaks confidently of the faith and unanimity of his men as they prepare for the constitutional talks .
3 It would obviously be the worst of craftsmanship to score the first four bars as they stand for the violins and viola and at the fifth bar to weaken one of the parts by division .
4 We spoke in earlier chapters of people 's search for meaning as they look for the person who has died , and saw that at such times a sortie into faith healing or clairvoyance is quite common .
5 In the European Community , during the boom years of the 1960s and 1970s , they already existed in the Balkans and elsewhere , as they exist for the United States in Latin America .
6 The argument is that school-leavers are mainly only temporarily unemployed and in the first few months of work are likely to switch jobs as they search for the ones that suit them best .
7 William Horwood 's fantastical DUNCTON TALES ( Fontana , £4.99 ) takes his moles on a further quest fighting evil as they search for the book of stones .
8 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
9 New technology and more international competition will eventually create more jobs than they destroy , as they have for the past two centuries , if they are only given a chance to work .
10 As with the free ion , the inter-electronic effects depend on a number of complicated integrals ; these can be expressed in terms of Racah parameters , but B and C do not have the same values as they have for the free ion .
11 Summer Saturdays have continued to be a nightmare as they have for the nineteen summers your author has lived at Aberystwyth !
12 It 's simply not good enough for them to say , as they have for the last forty five years , elect us , we 'll change everything and then things will be alright .
13 From what I could gather they were showing in in the area where the new ticket office is , as opposed to a bit screen on the pitch facing the east stand as they propose for the scum game ( And they 're getting a beer license for this too ! ! ! ! ! ) .
14 ( 2 ) Deviations from sections II , VIII , VIIIa , IX , X and XI are permissible for a period not extending beyond Dec. 31 , 1995. ( 3 ) Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 above , Article 41 of the Unification Treaty and the rules for its implementation shall remain valid in so far as they provide for the irreversibility of interferences with property in the territory specified in Article 3 of the said treaty " .
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