Example sentences of "as they [vb past] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She listened for Patrick 's cry but the only noise was from the Kenny children as they squabbled over a piece of bread , and Maggie was sitting on the bed with the baby sucking in vain at her scrawny breast .
2 Steve breathed , impressed , as they trundled up the last stretch of drive after the gates had clanked shut behind them .
3 KENT went run crazy yesterday as they piled up a 603 for eight — their highest total since 1934 — against Warwickshire at Edgbaston .
4 Newport were understrength , but Gloucester were on full power as they piled up the points .
5 As a result , the Marines experienced no resistance as they jogged down the hurriedly lashed gangplanks , and spread out across the docks .
6 Chopra felt frightened as they walked up the narrow stairway to the battlements .
7 The embalmers had done what they could but , even as they walked up the nave , both Cranston and Athelstan caught the whiff of putrefaction .
8 Shivering in their nakedness , and all shorn of their hair , the actors kept on only their stage boots as they walked back the way they had come .
9 ‘ No need to get shirty , ’ Marler responded mildly as they walked along a quiet , carpeted corridor .
10 She had watched from the window as they walked down the jetty , anxious as a mother sending her children off on their first day at school .
11 He continued to talk thus now , as they walked down the grand vista , away from the formal gardens and into the woodland rides , where classical figures loomed from the undergrowth and the serpentine rill wound away towards a distant temple .
12 George was frowning in thought as they clattered up the prison-like stone steps to his set .
13 He shrugged , feeding the steering-wheel expertly through his hands as they roared round a corner .
14 And that was all that mattered as they cruised down the freeway , alone together in Zitney 's gleaming red hatchback .
15 Portadown were firmly in the driving seat as they pegged back the Dublin side inside their 25 , with Loreto relying on the break .
16 As they dropped down the steep winding road , the sky was a brilliant blue , the sun gleaming on the gilt weathervane of the church and on the butter-and-honey-coloured buildings .
17 As they peeled back the debris of centuries , complete houses and workshops emerged , still containing everyday tools , utensils and clothing from a civilisation buried for a thousand years .
18 They wheeled him rapidly into Resus. , Kathleen snapping out instructions right , left and centre , but as they peeled back the blanket to examine him , even Kathleen after all the years she had been working in A and E was shocked at the extent of his injuries .
19 The two cars slammed into each other several times as they sped along a quiet tree-lined avenue before the youths finally forced her into a garden .
20 So the arrival at the Grand Quay of that famous pirate ship the ‘ Black Pig ’ caused no excitement , and Captain Pugwash , the Mate , Barnabas , Willy and Tom the cabin boy attracted little attention as they stepped down the gangplank and set off to view the sights of the town .
21 THE return of both Des Haynes and Angus Fraser had the desired effect on Middlesex 's fortunes during the early weeks of the season as they ran up a sequence of one-day wins .
22 Instead was a happy medley of Luke laughing , of taking her hand as they ran up a long flight of grey stone steps towards some vague but wonderful journey 's end .
23 More effective was the rush by two of the protection squad firing their tommies as they ran down the ship 's steep gangplank .
24 There 's nothing like a good bed , ’ said Nessie O'Neil to her daughter Nellie as they made up the bed in the box bedroom at Ballytreabhair Farm .
25 As they rode down the village , George noted how clean and tidy it was .
26 On every side of them , as they rode down the winding valley of the Suir from Clonmel to Carrick , stretched great rolling hills , rising to the distant mountains — Slievenaman to the north , Comeragh to the south .
27 ‘ I 've had enough ! ’ he screamed as they fought over a table .
28 Eton and Lancing enjoyed rather less excitement as they fought out a dour 0-0 draw .
29 She sympathised with the Duchess of York as she fought against her lack of freedom , she was tactful and kind when her own daughter told her that her marriage was dead and , finally , she acted as mediator to Charles and Diana as they fought out the death throes of their loveless union .
30 After a while , I turned to watch them as they receded down the hillside — two lumbering animals , with bodies grossly disproportionate to their slender stick-like ankles .
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