Example sentences of "as she took [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bracken Cottage on a spring evening was a pleasant place , but celebrating alone was a contradiction in terms , she decided , as she took a sip of wine and looked without interest at the food on her plate .
2 Almost exactly half an hour later , Rory was sitting cross-legged on Candy 's floor , grimacing as she took a sip of coffee .
3 John Coffin came in just as she took a sip .
4 As she took a mouthful of her coffee , her hands were shaking .
5 ‘ It 's roast suckling pig , ’ Guido told her as she took a mouthful .
6 No chance of persuading her father that Damian Flint was a rat and a snake , then , she thought as she took a taxi home .
7 Reluctantly she got up and her teeth chattered as she took a dressing gown from a hook behind the bedroom door .
8 Fiona shuddered , her voice almost a squeal as she took a series of sudden , deep in-rushing breaths , and buried her head in the hollow between Lachlan Watt 's shoulder and neck .
9 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
10 But she managed a composed smile as she took the phone .
11 In February Aquino became the first President of the Philippines to appear in court as she took the stand as a witness in support of her libel case against a newspaper columnist , Luis Beltran .
12 ‘ Any news about who did in that poor lady that you found , Mrs Craig ? ’ she asked as she took the money .
13 She grabbed the receiver while Nina stood up , anticipating trouble , and watching Rachel as she took the call .
14 He followed Mary as she took the flocks out of the village .
15 ‘ You 've got a nerve , ’ someone said , as she took the shock .
16 As she took the fruit her hand brushed Donaldson 's , rough and dry and warm .
17 ‘ The islands , ’ she said as she took the prey .
18 Shiona sliced him a look as she took the child to her bosom .
19 Mrs Diggory shook her head as she took the hand and held it tightly .
20 Meredith asked as she took the cup .
21 ‘ Milk , no sugar , please — ’ Her eyes lit up as she took the cup from him .
22 ‘ No toast ! ’ she said hastily as she took the mug .
23 Lucy was unable to meet his eyes as she took the receiver from him .
24 The sound of his low mocking laughter followed her as she took the stairs two at a time , desperate to be away from his gaze , all too aware that a scarlet flush had enveloped her entire body — aware too that the heat he had generated in her had n't only been embarrassment .
25 She tried to analyse them as she took an afternoon walk along the road to Nidden one winter 's day .
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