Example sentences of "as [pers pn] do [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 My son , aged four , believes in God and Jesus , as I did as a child .
2 Working as I do for a technically based industry , I hope I may be forgiven for believing that almost anything can be achieved through technology , if we are dear enough about what is needed .
3 Surely you know that , living as you do with a child-woman ?
4 Orientate this drawing as you do with a map when flying .
5 ‘ Coming home after six hours or so , as you do with a domino birth , is actually more restful than staying in for 24 or 48 hours , ’ she says .
6 ‘ You see you have to have a situation in schools where in the end teachers — and this gentleman is a visiting teacher — can give reasonable orders to people just as you do in a home .
7 When it disappeared from the catalogue and by chance I was offered a knighthood , I always said that the Queen , coming as she does from an angling family , was compensating me for having had my name taken out of Hardy 's catalogue .
8 Possibly a little touch like this has more meaning for us belonging as we do to a mechanical age , than it would have had for our ancestors , who were unaccustomed to the click of an electric switch and its attendant results !
9 We get the same royalties for a CD as we do for a cassette
10 Head up the winding river Cleddau , as we did on a previous visit , and you 're soon in total country , the ‘ Little England beyond Wales ’ , a sweet part of the world .
11 Ealhfrith 's personal religious predilections need not necessarily have borne undertones of political dissatisfaction but the differences on ecclesiastical matters between father and son , coming as they did at a time of profound change in Oswiu 's former position of influence in southern England , probably reflected a crisis of potentially serious dimensions .
12 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
13 With a few exceptions , they said , most hornbills in captivity are not breeding , and many are given little chance to , living as they do without a mate or a nestbox .
14 The whole effect is so convincing that flies not only visit flower after flower , transporting the stapelia 's pollen , but even complete the activity for which they visit real carrion — laying their eggs on the flower just as they do in a carcass .
15 Nevertheless , it is accepted that , appearing as they do in a penal statute , they fall to be construed narrowly rather than widely .
16 The State has the obligation of ensuring this end by guaranteeing that homosexuals , living as they do in an ‘ abnormal ’ relationship , do not have the opportunity to influence directly the upbringing of children .
17 In the case of the letter and the drawer , the signs fail in their indexical function because , appearing as they do in an isolated expression , they simply direct us into a void .
18 The other terms , for example , are all the same in each market , so on averaging they occur in the same form as they do in an individual market .
19 Sting and build as they do from a habit
20 Between palace and castle runs the processional route of the Royal Mile , for long the arena for the city 's most important activities , climbing as it does up a narrow ridge cramped between steep slopes carved out by ancient glaciers to either side .
21 However , the issue is discussed here as it does to a certain extent relate to customer and supplier contracts that are being assigned .
22 The importance of the protestant variant should not be underestimated given the extent of religious practice and the power of religious men within the protestant — loyalist bloc and the grave importance of conceiving of one 's position as absolutely irreproachable , depending as it does on a divine source .
23 But the play also acknowledges quite clearly that what is at stake is nothing less than the legitimacy of the whole social order , hinging as it does on a ‘ naturally ’ sanctioned law of sexual difference .
24 To say that the patient can not demand to be stabbed because he can not suspend the operation of the criminal law and absolve the other of liability begs the question , depending as it does on a determination of what the criminal law is .
25 Also , in this situation , the elevator control behaves more like it does on a fixed-wing model rather than as it does on a hovering helicopter .
26 It says it 's wrong that a judge should have to pass the same sentence on an abused wife who kills a brutal husband as it does on a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold blood .
27 Catalysts can help control pollution from such vehicles — an oxidation catalyst removes unburned fuel and carbon monoxide in much the same way as it does on a petrol car .
28 If competitors and circumstances are regarded as the " enemy " then It makes as much sense for a corporation to have alternative objectives as it does for a military commander .
29 It takes as long as it does for a dog to douse a tree trunk .
30 if you hit something twice as big to what you 're hitting it 'll go twice as fast as it does with a snooker ball .
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