Example sentences of "as [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her crew lined up on deck as gravely as if at a business meeting .
2 By the orifice , as though outside a cave , a man with vividly drawn , unideal features ( so also the man with the snake ) directs a dance of girls .
3 A sinister looking cluster of motor-bikes huddled in front of the other one , the Goat and Compasses ; as the Glovers passed two more arrived with a deafening roar and two androgynous figures , clad in skin-tight leather as though for a bout of deep-sea diving , went into the pub , stripping off immense gauntlets .
4 Bells rang as though for a funeral and the first rumour was that both Napoleon and Victor Emmanuel had been killed .
5 Dexter had been stationed in Brixton several years before and he inhaled the familiar atmosphere as he wound along Coldharbour Lane towards Peckham : the dilapidated shops selling second-hand furniture and televisions , the handsome couple posing against a car as though for a fashion magazine , the parked cars tumbling over the pavement .
6 their kite is rocking as though on a pendulum as the line is relaxed , tugged , and relaxed again .
7 He heard her whisking and wailing on her way , and he bent down and laid the cock-feather on the stone , and behold with a heavy groaning and grinding the huge stone swung up in the air and down in the earth , as though on a pivot or balance , disturbing waves of soil and heather like thick sea-water , and showing a dark , dank passage under the heather-roots and the knotty roots of the gorse .
8 The Tour has long since given up those occasional easy days known as promenades , when the peloton idled along , especially on the Mediterranean coast , as though on a club run .
9 He settled , as though with a folding of wings , beside Nicandra .
10 Of the two archers the younger was tall and fair with a ruddy complexion , the other was of medium height and stalwart build , his hair grizzled at the temples , his eyes grey , his mouth well set above a firm chin , and his expression one of habitual good-humour , as though of a man at peace with himself if not with the world .
11 Those Right-Ons who had written off the Labour Party for ever now began to chew humble pie , and were drawn to Livingstone 's GLC as though to a magnet .
12 Henrietta started to explain patiently , as though to a child .
13 The Baronessa raised a long white finger , weighted at the base by a sapphire ring , and wagged it as though to a child .
14 I would write letters glowing with warmth and tenderness , poems as though to a damsel with a dulcimer , gentle cadences for gentle ladies with eyes like emerald .
15 David Rosen came to the steps and peered into the darkness as though into a room where he had no right to be .
16 Holy Living he described as ‘ rules to live under , as though under a physician 's hand , to be used like nourishment , that is by a daily care and meditation ’ .
17 The dresser drawers fallen out and spilled , the dishes from the shelves above in fragments on the floor , the chairs thrown about as though by a madman , the table upended and even the black kettle from the hob lying among the debris .
18 He had no idea where he was going , and moved forward mechanically , as though in a dream .
19 No talk , ’ and he pushed his mouth over hers , his hands now on her cheeks , holding her head as though in a vice .
20 And when I said I was he held out a massive paw that gripped my hand as though in a vice .
21 Feeling some shyness — he was not used to social life , and this looked to be above his station — he used the brass knocker , polished as it was to show one 's face , distorted , as though in a mirror at a fair .
22 The light flooded down from five roundels high up on the far long side , as though in a cathedral clerestory .
23 He got up and dressed as though in a trance , and set off for the Castle with the hangdog look of a condemned man .
24 The very sight of the sign at the head of the platform , shabby and tourist and third class though it was compared with that of the Golden Arrow at the other end of the station , was enough to raise her to a state she had never reached before , and as the train moved south , she sat in her seat and stared out of the window as though in a trance .
25 She looked slightly strange when she was deep in thought , as though in a trance .
26 ‘ Talks ’ and ‘ demonstrations ’ suggest the camera eavesdropping , as though in a lecture hall .
27 Just inside , the brook made a little fall into a pool and the sound , enclosed among the trees , echoed as though in a cave .
28 They walked quickly , as though in a hurry to complete some urgent assignment .
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