Example sentences of "as [pron] could [vb infin] in " in BNC.

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1 He agreed that I had gone about as far as I could go in Moose Jaw , and together we composed a night-letter telegram to Gladstone Murray in Ottawa requesting a reply to my job application .
2 For the rest we had to depend on such persuasion as I could muster in my speech opposing the adoption of the agenda at the first meeting .
3 She said she 'd have a sherry , a nebulous drink itself , so I poured her as dark and sweet a one as I could find in the little tight tiny rows of sinister bottles , and while she drank it I put on trousers and sweater .
4 As far as I could see in North Queensland , I should think they will end up under the umbrella of the Emperor of Japan , as the Japanese now seem to be in charge up there .
5 That 's what holidays were for — looking at your toes , wandering on the beach , hours of sitting and staring , standing and staring , lying as long as you could bear in the sun with eyes closed .
6 Cos when the well as soon as you could walk in the summer er you know when weather permitting my mam 'd take us down on the beach there and , Here you are , sink or swim in you 'd go into the water .
7 ‘ It was as far as you could go in Moyne .
8 The ten diagonal chimneys rising from the steep pantiled roof are the finishing touch , making Allerthorpe as grand a farmhouse as you could find in all Yorkshire .
9 All entries showed imagination and , more to the point , a keen enjoyment in the task of cramming in as many obscure and erudite words as you could find in the dictionary .
10 She took a step backwards , which was about as far as she could go in that hallway .
11 Then she laid down as many of the others as she could fit in the space .
12 He looked calmly , almost — as far as she could tell in the light that poured from the house onto the terrace — amusedly at her .
13 It extended as far as she could see in all directions .
14 The great train was standing there , faintly hissing , silver , immensely heavy , stretching away in both directions for as far as one could see in the gloom .
15 I was hoping to see Laura Channing alone , or as near alone as we could get in that hullaballoo .
16 Members of the medical faculty said they would fax press reports of the Peking democracy movement to as many recipients as they could find in China , to overcome censorship .
17 A more unlikely situation for a cinema was hard to imagine , but the driver pointed to a set of steps burrowing up between two houses and explained that it was as near as he could get in a car .
18 By the time he called it a day , he had played in 60 Tests and taken 249 wickets at 23 , and like all of his fast-bowling colleagues had benefited from being one of a quartet as he could operate in short spells and rest more often .
19 The river — it stretched away as far as he could see in either direction , and could not therefore be a lake — was very wide .
20 My joy of getting into Halton was short-lived , In the first term I was up before the Head , a delightful fellow called B , A , Smith who kindly explained in a most embarrassed way that in spite of appearing to have satisfactory results in other departments , my school results were as poor as he could recall in all his experience .
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