Example sentences of "as [pron] [was/were] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Most important is to have the physical and mental strength to be as successful at the end of this season as I was at the beginning of 1990 .
2 But even I could n't blame him for the phone ringing just as I was at the front door .
3 Yet , as I watched all this from the very end of the slow queue , I had thought it would be me who would have been regarded the potential menace as I was at the wheel of the most outrageously styled and priced supercar ever .
4 You got as far as you were at the wedding
5 The issues raised by these comments are as relevant today as they were at the time .
6 For the press the facilities were as basic as they were at the hotel .
7 As Sawyer and Darton wrote so tellingly in English Books : ‘ The Running Stationers , as they were at the last called , bore a light but precious fardel : just the Short History of the English People — no more . ‘
8 The sharpest criticisms of this approach have been made — as they were at the time — from extreme left-wing but non-Stalinist positions .
9 They are thus almost as dear as they were at the end of 1989 , when the p/e ratio peaked at 18 before a nearly successful coup sank the stockmarket and all who sailed in her .
10 At Penywaun , years later , he told me about John Evans and his sister as they were at the first two decades of this century : I sensed as a boy they were unusual but now I recognized how different they were .
11 Actually they 've picked up the pace Forest since the goal erm do n't this Leicester are playing anywhere near as well as they were at the time they scored .
12 ‘ Seven or eight hundred years of sewers , underground rivers , tunnels , and nobody knows where half of them are until they 're excavating or making changes , as they were at the Priory .
13 Miracles were reported at his tomb as they were at the burial place of Richard Scrope , Archbishop of York , who was beheaded in 1405 and whose popularity as a saintly defender of Church freedoms against the usurpation of secular authority rivalled that of Thomas of Canterbury .
14 Thus s27 of the Partnership Act states : ( 1 ) Where a partnership entered into for a fixed term is continued after the term has expired , and without any express new agreement , the rights and duties of the partners remain the same as they were at the expiration of the term , so far as is consistent with the incidents of a partnership at will .
15 The tenant may wish to dispense with 7.6.3 , 7.6.4 , 7.6.5 and 7.6.6 and add the following proviso to 7.6.2 : If for any reason the premises and all other relevant parts of the centre sufficient for the Tenant [ or any undertenant ] to carry on its [ or their ] normal trade and business including the means of access to the Premises and all essential services therein and thereto shall not be reinstated in accordance with the provisions of this clause as they were at the date of the relevant destruction or damage by the second anniversary of the date of the destruction or damage the Tenant may thereafter determine the Term by giving not less than one month 's notice to the Landlord and upon expiry of such notice the Term shall cease but without prejudice to the claim of either party for any earlier breach of covenant by the other This will doubtless be resisted by the landlord who will wish to have the unilateral right to terminate .
16 It was a series which left viewers as baffled at the end as they were at the beginning .
17 I mean they are more or less the same at the end as they were at the beginning .
18 With a digital signal , it is very difficult for distortion to occur since so long as a 1 remains a 1 and 0 remains a 0 the signal will continue to carry all the information and the data stream will be as pure at the end as it was at the beginning .
19 Faith coming before and bringing about healing is as real to many Christians today as it was at the time of the Gospel .
20 When mortality for both sexes in infancy and childhood was great , as it was at the beginning of the century , it did not take long for a cohort to advance up the age scale before females outnumbered males .
21 ( It does seem a little perverse of EMI to have included with these discs the specification of the Sainte-Trinité organ as it now stands rather than as it was at the time these recordings were made . )
22 A map of the town as it was at the beginning of this century , plus one as it is today , would have added considerably to the understanding of a reader not familiar with the town .
23 Yet to mere man , Venice stands today on a group of islands at the head of the Adriatic very much as it was at the time of the great Doges .
24 I now had a settled crew and witnessed the steady improvement in the PFF methods , but very much trial and error as it was at the time , although in keeping with the Harris momentum .
25 Went through Section Head of various departments and became the A M S there or M P S as it was at the time .
26 The rebuilt barn had been laid out just as it was at the time of the fire in January last year .
27 ‘ My attitude is still the same as it was at the beginning of the 1986–87 season and that is , if I can continue to contribute then I 'm happy to do so . ’
28 I beg your pardon I beg your pardon twelve , these two things were separate you know one could be added to the other in looking an as it were at the total employment requirement .
29 Uncle Bill as he was at the age of twenty-eight over seventy years ago .
30 Angry as he was at the directors for failing to appreciate his talents and not understanding what he was driving at , Dustin was angrier with himself for losing jobs .
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