Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] down a " in BNC.

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1 As I looked down a tube as empty as Outer Space , I pushed away from my board and dove for the bottom .
2 I am sharply aware of every move I make , each crack of sound as I put down a cup , each dull ring as I move a spoon , each splash of water , squeak of the tap , thud of my shoe on the floor .
3 They fell upon the red hour-glass painted on Big Momma 's abdomen as she swung down a thread of silk and revolved slowly round on the thread until she had landed on a flat shiny surface .
4 Hardly able to see a hand in front of her , but refusing to be daunted , Luce moved as fast as she dared down an alley-way little more than a metre wide .
5 Richard O'Flynn , a training partner of John Treacy 's with a personal best of 28:20 , made an early surge as we ran down an avenue of skyscraping cabbage palms .
6 She was watching the road as we roared down a slight incline at all of seventy .
7 As we sat down a little way away from the rest of the group , I saw a small girl waving her hamster 's cage at the sky .
8 But as we travelled down a lovely wooded valley towards the north coast at Alta , the sun appeared below the clouds near midnight and we stopped to take our first pictures of the midnight sun .
9 What was odd , thought Twoflower as he strolled down a wide flight of stairs and kicked up billowing clouds of silver dust motes , was that the tunnels here were much wider .
10 Police say he only survived because he did n't hit anything as he rolled down an embankment .
11 As soon as he sat down a slave laid a plate in front of him .
12 My first clear memory is of sitting on the front of his horse as he galloped down a ploughed field , of the earth skittering and turning , and being safe in his arms .
13 I remember once having to chase a man who had done something nasty to someone , and losing him in the darkness as he dashed down a cobbled mews .
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