Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Kendall stormed : ‘ The players are letting themselves down as well as everyone connected with this club .
2 The end-product , as everyone knows from all the projections and mock-ups they keep making public to try to justify the wildly escalating costs , will have two arms and two legs , a language capability , and a fairly sophisticated emotional and moral response .
3 Reverting from Mr Jingle to Oliver Michaels , he added , ‘ Six months have proved to me that the passions of Lions are as nothing compared with those of Lionisers . ’
4 The job losses in United Kingdom defence industries as a result of the change of emphasis in British procurement are as nothing compared with those that would be suffered under the Labour party 's defence policy — if so dignified a term can be used for something so confused , contradictory and misleading .
5 A good many people suffered minor injuries in consequence ; but I believe those who suffered injuries were as nothing compared to those who wished to sustain an honourable contusion or bruise , or who , to make the whole setting more dramatic , lay on the ground as if laid out for dead without any injury at all .
6 The reservations were , however , as nothing compare with those about the proposal for an audit review panel .
7 One feels that two hours spent in one or other of the jammed little rooms — there are four as far as I remember at this instance , two down , one up , and one in the cellar — will be rewarding , refreshing , and never questioned by the owners .
8 As I looked at this mounting pile of equipment I thought that there was no way this was going to fit into the spare bedroom .
9 The opening games did not go quite as I expected in that I was surprised to see Wales beat Ireland .
10 As I wrote on this page recently , opera is barely a living art form any longer .
11 As I thought about that perceptive question I realised its implications .
12 And , as I thought about that , another image came into my mind .
13 Sheffield , like Rome , is built on seven hills and I had to cross most of them , anger fuelling my journey as I thought of all the excuses I 'd swallowed .
14 And my cheeks were red as I thought of those precious moments .
15 I must say I agreed with them as I agreed with some of the misgivings expressed by our German colleagues , too .
16 So I 'm not creeping back for my job but anything erm it 's not that and erm But the lads in the lodge sometimes you 've got to and er I 've got a bit of er well a speery voice you know rough so sometimes I get a little bit of control on them and erm also as I said about these chaps that are working , erm we 're not blind , we know what 's happening and we 've got sympathy even with them .
17 Somebody said , well the Harbourmaster 's not coming , I said , right go back to work and that 's the time I , that 's the time when we had the first baby and erm , that 's the first one we lost and anyhow they put me off for a fortnight and erm I went down to , I say go up the Board of Guardians , that was like the D H S S but a little bit lower and I just start to buy this house soon as I said to this bloke , he live in the council house over here this bloke , what was interviewing me
18 The objectives give us a way of er measuring at the end of the course whether the course has achieved for you what you wanted from we 'll come back as I said to those this afternoon and and just review them to see that you got out of the course what you .
19 However , I think it it to re-stress again it remains the county council 's view in the context of the advice in P P G seven that most most development erm which is going to serve to promote diversification in rural areas should in fact be directed to and located within and adjacent to existing settlements rural settlements which is where , as I said before most people actually do live and it maintains a close relationship between the jobs provided and the residence of people , and that that level of allocation appropriate level of allocation is in fact something for the local er planning authorities to decide through their development plans and to make adequate provision for it .
20 ‘ I threw them all away a couple of weeks ago as soon as I came across that letter from Parkin , ’ Lancaster murmured .
21 I do n't feel alarmed as I know of many secret passages , but they have all become too small to use .
22 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
23 An and it 's what makes me so cross as I walk past that blinking school every day and you think my kid should be over there !
24 he must have felt as I felt in that empty place .
25 What I am feeling as I listen to this is a strange movement in the undergrowth immediately in front of me ; a smile spreading inside my beard …
26 For once in my life there was no need to believe as I did or act as I chose for any reasons other than that I was personally convinced it was right .
27 I was feeling pretty angry with her as I stomped across that big field , but when I reached her my heart just melted .
28 And erm they 're loyal to the society because it , they know really it 's partly through them supporting the Guilds that we are able erm I do n't know whether I would get the membership there if you 've got , you see we pay a subscription to , see it costs five Pound a year at the moment to be , to be a member of the Womens ' Guild , which we , we send dues as I say to these three sections you see .
29 Well but I mean that 's an example and as I say at this end where you 've no arousal you 're either asleep or dead , there 's no sort of performance performance of any sort and we talk about having those butterflies in the stomach do n't we ?
30 I was spitting with fear and frustration as I yanked on some clothes and flung myself into the control area .
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