Example sentences of "as [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And when the programme as exposed by the discoverer is seen to have been falsified by history , what in Marx was bravery becomes in latter-day Marxism mere bravado .
2 If the volume of data will permit , ‘ calling over ’ the information as received by the computer against the earliest written documents can be helpful .
3 Camcorder viewfinders are , in effect , miniature television screens , and they show both the scene as received by the camcorder lens and also the recorded picture when the machine is switched to playback .
4 ‘ The measure as revised by the committee tried as hard as possible to accommodate the views of those who object to women priests .
5 As foreseen under the peace agreement , officials of the two parties began the first meeting of their Joint Political and Military Commission , together with Soviet , US and Portuguese representatives , in Luanda on June 17 .
6 In suggesting that the idea of higher education is hinged on self-criticism , I am not so much developing a personal concept of higher education , therefore , as drawing to the surface our common ( though largely hidden ) understanding of higher education .
7 The boys of King 's College School ( not King 's college , as listed on the cover ) perform with appropriate gusto in the Lionel Bart numbers , and there are strong contributions from the adult professionals and the National So under John Owen Edwards .
8 I am aware of the extensive experimental research which has focused on ion forms involving Ca++ Na+ etc2 , but what seems to have been missed in this prior research is the appreciation that water forms its own ion form in that it dissociates into hydroxyl and hydronium ions as listed on the table .
9 If you want to return the stolen object to the rightful owner , the curator , dial his number as listed on the Information Booth .
10 Antiwhaling could centre around , for example , alternatives to whale products , as listed in the Whale Manual published by Friends of the Earth .
11 He was always prone to grotesque mistakes ( as listed in the note ) BUT he also provided World Class saves regularly , and but for his lapses would probably rank as one of the worlds greats .
12 Standard policies include cover as listed in the table ( above ) and usually extend to include cancellation and delay , missed departure due to failure of public transport or car breakdown .
13 Part B , Section 1 but with certain exclusions as listed in the policy .
14 This would seem very close to the ‘ bow-wow ’ theory of linguistic evolution , one of the theories much discussed in Eliot 's youth , which saw language as deriving from the imitation of natural sounds .
15 This was difficult to understand for impassioned artists who saw Surrealism and Abstraction as struggling for the soul of modern art .
16 Afro-Caribbean girls and women , on the other hand , are often represented as crushed under the weight of a triple oppression of class , gender and racism .
17 The £62 million set aside to cover exceptional costs — as explained at the conference this was necessary to make us more competitive in the marketplace and included costs associated with restructuring our workforce and renewing our infrastructure .
18 It is the soul of man which needs to be dealt with to enable him to spend eternity with Christ , clothed in a new incorruptible body as explained by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 verses 35–58 .
19 As explained in the text these events are part of a pattern of distinctive changes in the temperature of the sea surface and pressure in the southern hemisphere .
20 Practice at home , preferably in your back garden or on a patch of waste grass nearby your house , until you can tune in and use your detector as explained in the operating instructions .
21 As explained in the introduction , the diagnostic groups , age groups , calendar periods , and areas to be analysed were agreed in advance of the analyses being carried out .
22 As explained in the introduction , our method of demonstrating the power of our laws will be the discovery of a normal form for finite programs .
23 An important reason for this is that it is an entirely partial approach as explained in the section discussing qualifications to the theoretical results , and also because such a case by case approach is never capable of examining anything other than a small minority of all mergers .
24 This House , having granted leave to appeal , affirmed the Court of Appeal 's decision in Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 , but reached its conclusion by a different route , as explained in the speech of Lord Roskill , to which I have already referred .
25 Assume also that the trustee of the trust is a wholly owned subsidiary of Newco resident for tax purposes in the Channel Islands , so as to fall outside the definition of a collective investment scheme for the purposes of the Financial Services Act .
26 ‘ In the Court of Appeal considerable doubt was expressed by that court as to whether an absolute prohibition on the import of a particular description of goods could amount to a quantitative restriction or a measure having equivalent effect , so as to fall within the ambit of Article 30 at all .
27 The orthodox account points to the following factors as implicated in the crisis : ( 1 ) the high prison population ( or ‘ numbers crisis , ) ; ( 2 ) overcrowding ; ( 3 ) bad conditions within prison ( for both inmates and prison officers ) ; ( 4 ) understaffing ; ( 5 ) unrest among the staff ; ( 6 ) poor security ; ( 7 ) the ‘ toxic mix ’ of life sentence prisoners , politically motivated prisoners and mentally disturbed inmates ; ( 9 ) riots and other breakdowns of control over prisoners .
28 As one leading business magazine put it. : ‘ Body Shop 's star in the City is not so much rising as super-glued to the roof of the firmament . ’
29 The Legal Aid Act 1979 , extended the scope of legal advice and assistance so as to include within the ambit of the scheme , ‘ assistance by way of representation ’ ( ABWOR ) at certain designated proceedings .
30 The state of Tennessee had passed a law forbidding the teaching of the theory of evolution on the ground that it " denies the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the Bible " .
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