Example sentences of "as [noun] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Folly watched in awful fascination as Lisa flicked through the cards .
2 She looked round as Doyle returned with the Diet Cola .
3 She walked through into the Lancaster Room again , where Phil Aldrich was still scribbling away on the hotel 's notepaper ; and for the moment ( as Sheila stood in the doorway ) looking up with his wonted patience and nodding mildly as Janet propounded her latest views on the injustice of the tour 's latest delay .
4 England withdrew from Fifa in 1928 , as discussions began for the organisation of the first World Cup competition , and remained disdainfully on the sidelines until 1950 , when England 's ‘ superiority ’ complex was quickly dissipated by a 1–0 defeat in a pool match against the United States .
5 Later , after work , I got a pretty good look at these new pants of ours , as Tod stood before the full-length mirror unknotting the plump Windsor of his tie .
6 As Sabrina stood outside the hotel on the Place de la Gare staring up at the Cathedral 's spire silhouetted against the dark , sombre skyline , she let her thoughts drift back over the hours since their departure from New York 's John F. Kennedy Airport .
7 It was very dark as Newman drove along the road away from Walberswick on their way back to London .
8 As Marianne walked to the door , she turned away , unable to look at the woman who 'd brought her world crashing about her ears like a fragile house of cards .
9 Later they found a small , quiet restaurant on the outskirts of the city , and Shannon could n't help but notice the admiring glances of male diners and waiters as Marianne swayed into the room .
10 As Cardiff scrambled up the stairs he saw Jimmy raise and fire his own gun at the thing .
11 Cranston leaned back as Joscelyn brought across the steaming platters of food .
12 The bright sunlight had straightened the ball 's flight-path , and as Gower fed on the short balls and what he converted into half-volleys , there were fleeting thoughts of a century before lunch , such was his willingness to go after runs .
13 Mariana made a move to help as Trent returned to the living-room with broom and pan .
14 He looked up as Trent came into the room .
15 The mast quivered and bowed as Trent dived for the main and jib sheets , whipping them clear of the cam cleats .
16 She blinked and looked up , smiling , as Jim wandered into the room with a handful of X-rays .
17 The and their self-opinionated Premier , Jacques Delores , must be told clearly that we stand for co-operation of Western style democracy , not the old Eastern block style of all encompassing socialist state with the dead hand of Brussels directing policies , as Moscow did with the U S S R. Freedom of the independent nation and people must confer .
18 She chattered happily as Patrick drove along the Marylebone Road , speculating on the miracle that had brought John and Angela back from the dead .
19 " They 'll need young men , men of conviction , " Joseph said suddenly , as Patrick headed towards the door .
20 It became obvious as soon as Annunziata handed round the soup tureen that Comfort was deliberately trying to exclude David from the conversation and show him how de trop he was .
21 ‘ Better drop it , ’ said Cardiff at last as thunder boomed in the sky and the reception glass lit up again with the flash .
22 As Emmerson explained at the Seminar , banks typically only save information where legal or business requirements make the information necessary or useful .
23 He normally never wears anything on his head — ’ He broke off as Buckmaster reappeared in the doorway .
24 ‘ Not until you met me , ’ she added complacently , as Scarlet went to the door .
25 Charlie watched in horror as Makepeace fell across the barbed barrier and another burst of enemy bullets peppered his motionless body .
26 Zeno heard the difference and half turned as Pascoe stepped into the beam of the spotlight .
27 Suddenly , as Sophie pulled into the drive of Broom House , her pent-up feelings collapsed into cold black depression .
28 Some Ealing posters collaged graphics with photography , as Minton did in the publicity leaflet for The Loves of Joanna Godden ( 1947 ) .
29 Gilly nearly tripped over herself , leaping down and grabbing up ‘ Sarsaparilla to Sorcery ’ from the chair seat , stretching her guts out to tip the book into its place on the shelf as Trotter appeared at the door .
30 In its drive stood a Japanese four-wheel-drive vehicle and as Meredith looked across the laburnum hedge at it , a woman of about her own age came out of the house , slamming the door crossly , got into the vehicle and reversed out into the road , driving off at speed .
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