Example sentences of "as [noun] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 As Lisa laid down the phone her hand was shaking .
2 The voices above stopped arguing , as Cardiff slid down the rail , exhausted and gasping for breath .
3 The squealing stopped as Anders plucked out the carrot .
4 Over the years he has played league cricket and county cricket for Sussex and Glamorgan with resounding success , and on his last trip to England thrilled the crowd with a magnificent display of strokemaking at the Oval , scoring 260 as Pakistan ran up the imposing total of 708 .
5 JUST as spring brings out the first swallows , so it also motivates incoming club tours from one or more of the four home countries .
6 She did not leave as Corbett took up the pewter spoon and began to eat .
7 She heard the rattle of the curtain rings as the blackouts were pulled across , and then the click of the switch on the standard lamp as Bella put on the light .
8 I see him as a sort of spiritual descendant of Norman Mailer , just as Mailer took on the mantle of Lawrence — in fact I wrote an essay on that very subject in my last term at school .
9 As Molly put down the telephone , she saw Jacqueline , her mouth full of dough , staring at her with the large , accusing eyes of an Oxfam poster .
10 In string theories , what were previously thought of as particles are now pictured as waves traveling down the string , like waves on a vibrating kite string .
11 He steeled himself as Epitot drew back the sheet .
12 As officials move up the hierarchy they may be more involved in policy advice rather than managing budgets or people .
13 As Ace manoeuvred down the flank of the shuttle , letting her gauntlets scrape against the weld-seams and pock-marks in order to slow her drift towards the base of the craft , she saw that the Dalek Killer was using his weapon to cut through the metallic material of the surface on which he 'd parked .
14 As Matthew drew out the chair and waited for her to sit down , Donna said suddenly , ‘ My God !
15 He watched carefully as Rory set out the papers .
16 He looked round uneasily as Martin put down the phone and said that he had to go .
17 As Grant hurried down the narrow concrete stairs , he felt the first warning stab of pain in his torn thigh muscle .
18 ‘ The poor man at the gate , ’ that 's you , living here happy as sparrows pecking up the crumbs from his excellent table .
19 ‘ Oh , have you not ? ’ snapped the other , coming hastily forward to confront her as Theda came down the rest of the stairs .
20 As Meryl held out the plate of petits-fours laughingly to Lee , she knew that someone was standing by her shoulder .
21 She may have acted over-cautiously in rejecting the proposals but Ms Radice was obviously on her best behaviour as legislators work out the budget for fiscal year 1993 , which begins 1 October .
22 They face a race against time as fears grow over the health of the whales and the possibility of their becoming beached .
23 The other rabbits were beginning to reach the hedge as Bigwig hopped down the bank and crouched on the verge of the road .
24 As Blanche snatched up the telephone and listened to the reassuring hum of the dialling tone , she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall : the shimmer of sweat on her forehead , eyes wild , face haggard and pale , hair stormy and unkempt , knuckles bruised and sore .
25 Jane dug the garden as Lee picked up the weeds .
26 The New Year feast is only one of a number of sumptuous meals that follow as relatives arrive over the next few days .
27 Some of these might , I am sure , change their opinion as Wheen fills in the gaps and rounds off an account of a long career that began in 1920s aesthetic Oxford and finished in a heart attack in a London taxi almost 50 years later .
28 ‘ Clever stuff , ’ exclaimed Tom as Edith brought in the puddings .
29 He wound his way through us as we sat fascinated at the sight as Geordie tiptoed down the beach towards the sea , his top part a deep tan , from the waist down a dirty white colour .
30 As things worked out the hat/rabbit analogy was nearer the truth than anyone suspected .
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