Example sentences of "his own [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rigney has been training quietly on his own over the past few weeks and believes that he will be back in action in the New Year for Greystones .
2 With the information she had given him , he approached the Fleming house in Queen Charlotte 's Alley in the hope of seeing Peter on his own without the disturbing presence of Sarah .
3 The boy was going to the boxroom and was clearly excited at possessing a room of his own for the first time .
4 When they first interviewed Sykes , on Monday this is , he told them he was staying at a cottage in the Lake District entirely on his own for the first two and a half weeks in September .
5 And the issue was still very much alive , for here beside him , listening alertly and with a dry little smile , was the earl of Leicester , who , whether in earnest or in mischief , was urging a plea of his own for the same prize .
6 A former accountant who used to work in the music industry with Tony Visconti ( David Bowie 's producer ) , he now has a hit of his own with the quoted company The Pelican Group .
7 He gave an account of a dream of his own about the French Revolution , and the reign of terror following it .
8 Charles obliged , and filled up his own at the same time .
9 Now Tony is a wonderfull player ( just in case his mother has actually joined up ) but playing on his own on the left wing ? ? ? ? ? ?
10 The 24-year-old has claimed all three Blades goals so far and is out on his own as the leading candidate for Lineker 's shirt , according to team-mate Ian Bryson .
11 This was to be Boomer 's last appearance in the Ryder Cup , although he was still quite clearly a good enough player to hold his own against the best of the Americans .
12 He was also invited to conduct a Mass of his own before the imperial court , which , according to Leopold , went some way towards repairing the damage their enemies had done by preventing the opera .
13 Without the distraction of a wayward soloist , Weller came into his own in the glorious fourth symphony of Schumann .
14 And the big Aucklander really came into his own in the second half after the 50th-minute dismissal of Warrington prop Neil Harmon for a high tackle on Oldham hooker Richard Pachnuik .
15 It is not being wise after the event to say it was a mistake to appoint Colin Harvey on his own in the first place and it was another mistake in re-appointing Kendall .
16 A year earlier , David Damiani had married Blanche , an 18-year-old Nazareth girl , and set up a home of his own in the Arektenje district of Jaffa .
17 The notoriously media-shy financier has come into his own in the last ten years as one of the most successful behind-the-scenes advisors in the British art world .
18 This time Sonic 's got a friend in tow , a little fox by the name of Tails who comes into his own in the two-player split screen option .
19 Still , Sisson managed a ‘ Herr Issyvoo ’ sting of his own in the Nazified Berlin of 1934 and watched ideological street-squads slanging one another in Paris the next year .
20 After Rose and the boy had gone to bed he sat on his own by the raked fire , sitting motionless , staring down at the floor .
21 As someone interested in trying to promote industrial regeneration and further growth in the north-east does my hon. Friend agree that the additional burdens laid on businesses in regions such as his own by the absurd idea of the imposition of a regional tier of government and the increased taxation necessary to pay for that tier would have an adverse effect on local business , would increase costs , would reduce competitiveness and would help to drive business and jobs away from his region ?
22 Billy Bragg has the unusual gift of making other people 's songs his own by the simple expedient of singing them .
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