Example sentences of "his [noun pl] as he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He let the bat dangle from his fingers as he searched the horizon for the ball , like a fighter pilot seeking out his enemy above the clouds .
2 He twirled the rose between his fingers as he looked around .
3 It glistened in his fingers as he bent to study it .
4 Barely able to control her shivering delight and excitement as his lips and tongue rhythmically stroked her swollen nipples , while his hands sensuously caressed her body , she shuddered violently as she felt the warmth of his skin against her own soft flesh , the gentle pressure of his fingers as he stroked her thighs .
5 Those pants of his were around his knees when he slammed through the double doors of the brownstone , and around his ankles as he stumbled at speed up the first flight of stairs .
6 She was never to learn of his plans as he sailed for New York the next day and never returned .
7 He was concentrating on demolishing the last of the lime and liquorice sweets he had brought with him in his haversack from Partick , and he trod purposefully on the wet red leaves with his hiking-boots as he strode along .
8 A sigh of relief whistled through his teeth as he stuck his head into the pantry .
9 She could only see the glint of the whites of his eyes , and the gleam of his teeth as he smiled at her .
10 Treasurer Lipsky , the community 's dentist , ground his teeth as he bowed to her adamantine will .
11 There was only the French chef Pierre , whistling between his teeth as he pounded something aromatic in a pestle , and a couple of aproned maids bustling about with what looked like preparations for breakfast .
12 And there was Elder Seth , baring his teeth as he pushed her face into the asphalt .
13 A tatami , a triple-woven rush mat , had been placed on the sand , and as he walked towards it Alexei saw that the slave had raked over his footprints as he had departed , leaving the surface smooth and even .
14 There was considerable applause from his listeners as he advanced his familiar protectionist argument .
15 Then he was in the hold , chilly waters around his knees as he sank through the bottom of the boat itself .
16 Servette spy Pont 's clipboard remained unused on his knees as he watched from the grandstand .
17 The man stumbled forward onto the bridge , then got up and trudged on again , wiping his dirtied hands against his thighs as he went and glancing up briefly , fearfully , as the big house loomed over him .
18 As he was talking , he was sliding out of bed , still trying to face his wife , but finally leaping up with a glad cry and rushing for the door , clad only in his pyjama top , his penis smacking against his thighs as he ran , as she noted .
19 Dog at his heels as he went off down the road .
20 And leaping into the saddle he raced back to Grimspound , Nero at full stretch , the Devil laughing and snapping at his heels as he went .
21 The faint hope offered by Springfield 's diagnosis of Brett 's condition , lent wings to his heels as he raced off down the road towards the vehicles parked at the front gates under Fenton 's care .
22 He thrust his hands deep into his pockets , hunching his shoulders as he continued , ‘ I met her at the party I threw to celebrate taking over control of the company .
23 Dr Gysi made his attempt at power before 2,700 demoralised party delegates at this weekend 's emergency congress as if delivering an impassioned plea in court , throwing up his arms and heaving his shoulders as he made a point .
24 He had missed her moment — he knew he had missed it — ; yet his eyes softened suddenly , and you could almost see the shadow fall from his shoulders as he twinkled down at Laura where she knelt before her dying fire .
25 Kenneth rotated his shoulders as he drove , trying to ease the nagging pain in them that too much drink the night before always seemed to give him these days .
26 With a shudder , she tightened her arms around the wide strength of his shoulders as he trailed small , teasing kisses from her lips , along her jawline , and up into the spread curtain of her hair .
27 She saw the tension leave his shoulders as he hunkered down to look .
28 Like a novice swimmer suddenly caught in a flood-tide , she was swept along , clinging fiercely to his shoulders as he found her lips , invaded her mouth , his tongue entwining with hers .
29 Tiny clouds swirled about his legs as he walked .
30 I , Jessel , saw the heaviness in his legs as he walked up the lane .
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