Example sentences of "his [noun pl] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 frank dropped his hands and would have fallen , had she not steadied him and guided his fingers back to the bandage .
2 Xokonoshetl Gomorro gets his possessions back after a night in police cells .
3 I seem to remember a couple of his headers back to the goalie going astray last year ( including one in that humil iating defeat at Man City , 4–0 ) .
4 And whether he knew it or not , he could be marked down as one of Wainwright and Hayling 's ‘ Fragments ’ — a talented 1960s person who had now matured and wanted to bring his skills back into the mainstream .
5 It was obviously felt that protectionism , a policy which Austen Chamberlain 's father had encouraged , might attract Austen and his supporters back to the centre of the Conservative Party .
6 He moved away from her and swung his legs back over the side of the bed .
7 Instead of retracing his steps back along the tunnel he walked forwards .
8 It took a moment or two to realise he had freed her from what had seemed the inevitable consequences , but she was still suspicious as , with wildly beating heart , she traced his steps back along the maze of corridors , back to the relative safety of the main hall .
9 Roland turned his eyes back to the shadowy desk .
10 Markby turned his eyes back to the report .
11 Steve laughed and directed his eyes back to the papers on the table .
12 The TV reporter swung his eyes back from the window and trained them on the superintendent in a long , calculating stare .
13 A ridden horse which is concentrating on his work will often turn his ears back towards the rider , indicating his willingness to obey the rider 's next aids .
14 He jerked his senses back to the present with a star .
15 Secondly , he must make sure Hirst knuckles down and gets his feet back on the ground .
16 We have no problem going in , but if we are caught or seen then Odd-Knut will not be allowed to bring his dogs back without a lengthy and expensive quarantine .
17 The governor had moved his guests back from the illuminated pedestal to show the line and glazing of the Ming vase to its best advantage , and because he had turned his head in their direction to explain a point , he did n't see the gibbon streak across the marble floor on all fours .
18 ‘ All the rumours are that Jerry 's been bringing his troops back from the east by the train-load .
19 If he finds a job , it is not likely to be on Wall Street and he would have to hand a quarter of his earnings back to the Brooklyn centre .
20 Almost certainly if we had the full text of Edward 's coronation oath , we should find that , like his predecessors back to the early twelfth century and his successors to the end of the Middle Ages , he promised to protect the liberties of the church , which , after all , was also the substance of the first clause of Magna Carta .
21 She slid her hands from his cheekbones back into the thick waves of his dark , silken hair .
22 He is trying to bring his players back to the basics that won the title last season .
23 The Earl dragged his fists back from the table and , opening his shoulders and mouth , stretched his sinews , as if parting Philistine pillars .
24 The glow faded in mere moments , during which time the Doctor dropped into the corridor , snatching his hands back from the sides of his newly created tunnel with sharp gasps .
25 The family historian 's initial task of tracing his ancestors back through the nineteenth century is relatively straightforward , thanks to the information provided by civil registration certificates and census returns and by standardized Church of England registers .
26 Although he could trace his ancestors back to the reign of James the first , he had not been able to find a single man on that tree of immoralities — even to the bloodiest root — who had caused , either by his hand or hiring , what he , Estabrook , was out this midnight to contrive : the murder of his wife .
27 They fought , and ran , and stood to fight again , tiring , separated , driven now like hunted hares , until Isambard called his men back at the brook and let them rest at last .
28 He was interested in how far Siward had taken his men back into the untouched part of the forest , where the clearing kept for the highway from Dunedin to the Forth crossing had encouraged the fire to turn to one side , helped by the slight change of wind .
29 Frankie 's twitchy legs and itchy scalp pulled his thoughts back to the present .
30 With a start , George brought his thoughts back to the present , aware that both his father and the groom were looking at him curiously .
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