Example sentences of "his [noun pl] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It had puzzled me originally , but after a quick word with Glyn as you came into the offices I now see he wants to pressurise you into following his wishes and signing the house over . ’
2 Then suddenly he clicked his fingers and spat the word out .
3 Frankie would be set to work at the big sink , and before he washed each plate and roasting-pan he would scrape it clean with his fingers and eat every last scrap of chicken , sage and onion stuffing , corned beef , sliced Spam and cheese .
4 He looked down at his fingers and noted the chalk dust on their tips .
5 Absently he squeezed more insulating oil on to his fingers and passed the tube to Jezrael .
6 He paused beneath the gas jet on the second landing , licked his fingers and tucked the ends of his fine dark hair behind his ears .
7 Dexter turned round one of the gold rings that adorned his fingers and made a stab at humour .
8 He held it up there in his fingers and let the doors close on it .
9 He threw the thing away , brushed his fingers and left the blackened ruin .
10 The child will work it out on his fingers and get the right answer .
11 Spike grabbed both ants with his fingers and squeezed the heads until the bodies fell away .
12 His plan for a metropolitan see at London had been stillborn but he had rid himself of the problem of Lichfield ( a process completed by 803 ) , successfully confounded his enemies and consolidated the position Offa had established at the height of his power .
13 It is associated with the final curtain descending on present world history , when Jesus will descend from heaven in power to destroy his enemies and restore the entire creation .
14 Last week he asked us to bring our experts along from Leicestershire to meet his experts and have a discussion .
15 On learning that the French called them disparagingly " boites d'allumettes " — matchboxes and that they were usually only used by poor Annamese , the senator had suddenly elected to ride in one with his sons and meet the Frenchman at the market .
16 He could no longer be controlled ; even chains were useless , he had often been fettered and chained up , but he had snapped his chains and broken the fetters .
17 He was free to follow his inclinations and join the worshippers at the Methodist chapel , if he so wished .
18 He had , however , sold all his possessions and left the county .
19 Only after he committed suicide in February 1988 did the mass media acknowledge his talents and create a Bashlachev boom .
20 He did his teeth and took a long shower , first hot then cold .
21 He gritted his teeth and tested the handle .
22 He made tut-tutting sounds of disapproval through his teeth and fingered the fraying cuffs of his jacket .
23 ‘ Ken most of the folk hereabouts ? ’ demanded the customer , uncorking the bottle with his teeth and filling the grubby glass that had been set in front of him .
24 Rioja bared his teeth and drew a nail across his throat .
25 Ivan III had recognized the peasant 's right to leave his lord , provided he settled his debts and paid a fee , laying down only that such movement should take place at the end of the harvest , during the fortnight surrounding St George 's Day ( an autumn as well as spring feast in the Orthodox calendar ) .
26 Within eight years he had fully repaid his creditors and accumulated a greater fortune than ever before .
27 The Secretary of State can remove a trustee , but before doing so must notify the trustee and the official receiver of his decision and his reasons and specifying a period within which the trustee can make representations against his removal ( r 6.133 ) .
28 As an industrialist and landowner he was a forward-looking innovator who , like his English contemporaries , the improving landlords of the eighteenth-century agricultural revolution , introduced new farming techniques on his estates and exploited the mineral resources which he found under his lands .
29 A passionate improver , his vast correspondence chronicles his attempts to develop his estates and to improve the lot of their inhabitants .
30 They 've taken his dabs and examined the mallet , but we left it at that when we knew the Yard had been called in and you were on your way .
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