Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It slips out of his fingers and turns over .
2 He combed through his hair with his fingers and headed back to his clothes .
3 ‘ Mmmm … ’ nodded the Duke , licking his fingers and smoothing down his eyebrows , ’ … not ready for it .
4 Droplets of blood ran over his fingers and dripped on to the floor .
5 Travelling home by train after visiting a virgin site , he would write up his notes and sketch out a design while the memory was still fresh .
6 The man finished his notes and looked up .
7 From the devil 's power , from planetary fate , Christ is redeemer , and his values as expressed in , for example the ‘ Beatitudes ’ ( Matt. 5 ) are a reversal of those current in society .
8 Hoomey happened to be standing on the grass , thinking he was well out of it , saw the horse 's great gobbling mouth advancing towards his ankles and leapt back , swallowing his chewing-gum .
9 Just played off his aces and sat back .
10 Tim dug in his claws and held on .
11 The instance here is of Stavrogin pretending to the provincial governor that he has a secret to communicate to him , and , when the unsuspecting old man ‘ hastily and trustfully ’ inclines his head , seizing his ear in his teeth and holding on to it , biting hard .
12 Then he sucked at his teeth and went on .
13 My daughter , he told himself as he brushed his teeth and stared down at number 47 's red Mitsubishi , is like me , fat and untalented .
14 The bed was too narrow and Oliver muttered in his sleep and ground his teeth and thrashed about with his fists .
15 ‘ I 've told him to grit his teeth and hang on , ’ said Linda .
16 When a shaman opens his mouth dozens of tiny spiders skitter between his teeth and run up his nose .
17 During the war he sold his interest in his galleries and went off to war ; following this six-year closure he reopened the Hans Road gallery but decided not to reopen the American galleries ; it was hard enough to get the good material for one shop .
18 Tony Revell began experimenting with guitars at the age of fourteen , and five years later he landed a position working with Chris May and Andy Preston , refining his skills while turning out Overwater electrics .
19 When he had finished , Dr Jaffery rose to his feet , brushed the dust off his pyjamas and came over to Olivia and me .
20 The statute laid down that measures ‘ for the estate of the king and his heirs and for the estate of the realm and people should be granted only by the king in parliament , the implication being no doubt that such measures should not be forced upon the king by his subjects or drawn up by non-parliamentary assemblies .
21 As the stray bullets whistled across no-man's-land , Charlie fell on his knees and crawled back to the reserve trenches , to brief his section on what they might expect once they were pushed forward another hundred yards .
22 The priest rested his elbows on his knees and looked down at the floor .
23 Rostov lowered himself on to his knees and sat back on his heels .
24 Maastricht was a package and Major kept the bits in he wanted for his supporters and opted out of the things that he did n't want , first and foremost being the Social Chapter .
25 The dancers inside the inn were all fetched to the door by Garvey roaring with demented laughter , slapping his thighs and reeling in and out of the streaming rain .
26 Berger clicked his heels and went out .
27 Sharpe slammed back his heels and took off down the road as if the demons of hell were at his heels .
28 But he found the American rocking on his heels and smiling back at him engagingly , and the slow drawl of his address continued without pause .
29 Moral victory there for Lawrence who very smartly , it 's good to see , oldies pull through , turns on his heels and sets off back again in search of his mark .
30 And I could see I was going to get warmer still because the bullock was beginning to enjoy the game , kicking up his heels and frisking around after each attempt .
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