Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [verb] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 His enemies call him an ‘ ambulance chaser ’ .
2 Instead of wrestling with the imponderables of land and trees and drainage and crops , he was back where his skills gave him a harsh certainty .
3 In return his subjects owed him the duty of honouring that peace .
4 When his ears tell him the truth , he will not listen .
5 On his first night back , his parents give him a party , to which they invite their circle of middle-class , middle-aged friends .
6 His actions earned him a £115 fine
7 What he does see is a crippled lama living in extreme simplicity and frugality in a mountain hermitage , whose being is irradiated with a joy which has an even keener edge because his infirmities offer him no possibility of escape .
8 He became recognised as one of the most accomplished half-backs in the Division and his displays won him the approval of the fans on many grounds besides our own .
9 In the immediate aftermath of Wolsey 's fall from power , his advisers offered him a range of options on how to obtain the annulment and Henry responded by trying a number of different schemes .
10 His friends called him an easy-going chap ; his enemies called him weak .
11 All you need to know about Brian is that in the Sixties one of his friends send him a postcard of planet Earth with a message saying : ‘ Wish you were here . ’
12 His critics call him a charlatan .
13 It was four days ( during which he was given the last rites ) before his doctors gave him a chance to live through .
14 Kit Everard had his men raise him a sleeping pavilion on the eastern bank across the creek from the saman tree where he had established his strategic headquarters .
15 When the shops opened he had sent out two of his men to buy him a list of items he needed : a very large-scale map of the area north of London extending fifty miles in all directions , a matching sheet of clear plastic , map-pins , chinagraph pencils in different colours .
16 Those who liked the Prince called him Slender Billy , while his detractors called him the Young Frog .
17 Peter admits his looks make him a target for casuals , the designer thugs who constitute one element in urban violence .
18 MD , , presented with a colour television from the company , while his colleagues gave him a garden bench .
19 He was a tall , attractive man in his mid-forties , the grey hair at his temples giving him a distinguished look .
20 In assumpsit in the Common Bench , it was alleged that Brathwait , having killed a man , asked the plaintiff to use his endeavours to obtain him a pardon , wherefore the plaintiff did go to Royston to the King to get the pardon and , in consideration of this service , the defendant promised the plaintiff £100 .
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