Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [verb] up the " in BNC.

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1 The philosopher Francis Bacon and many of his contemporaries summed up the scientific attitude of the times when they insisted that if we want to understand nature we must consult nature and not the writings of Aristotle .
2 He has just broken one of his records deliberately and is on his knees picking up the pieces as he talks to himself .
3 Then his ears picked up the soft pattering of multiple animal feet , and the sound of undergrowth being brushed lightly aside by swiftly moving bodies .
4 Neither did he hear Zach repeatedly calling him from outside or the sound of his footsteps running up the tiny pathway to the back door .
5 The bomb Simon Cormack had been carrying on his person was concealed in the broad leather belt he wore around his waist and which had been given him by his abductors to hold up the denim jeans they had also provided for him .
6 Students were known to spend their time in his lectures counting up the number of clichés which he used .
7 Hazel dug once more , his fore-paws throwing up the soft , wet soil and slipping against the hard sides of the peg .
8 Presently his feet took up the restless pacing that had become the rhythm of his curious existence behind the locked attic door .
9 Note that although the actions of the mother , father and child might well have been part of one connected incident , the cuts to the first shot of the older child and to the shot of the father getting to his feet open up the possibility that the actions could in fact have been parts of separate but similar incidents which took place over a very much longer span of time ; the shot of the father could well have been contrived specially , with the help of a little direction from the cameraman in between shots .
10 In Moscow yesterday Mr Yeltsin — whose mother died at the weekend — stayed out of public view for the second day , letting his aides keep up the political pressure .
11 Yet inefficiency in the command structure had hampered his efforts to keep up the pressure on Rommel 's supply lines , and in being ordered to return to base , he felt the grip of official interference .
12 Let us begin with his efforts to clear up the confusion of questions 2 and 3 .
13 His wares made up the largest individual parcel in a massive consignment of plate exported to the Tsarina Anna in 1726 , much of which again had paid no duty .
14 For some time a rumour had persisted that Horemheb , in his moves to clear up the corruption which had flourished like rampant weed during the years in which the city had fallen into neglect , had more than once attempted to close it ; but that the interests which protected it were still too powerful for him to dispense with .
15 Below Georgiades his men leapt up the last few pegs .
16 GRAHAM TAYLOR is challenging his internationals to pick up the fallen standard of English football , after Wednesday night 's triple European club disaster .
17 GRAHAM TAYLOR is challenging his internationals to pick up the fallen standard of English football , after Wednesday night 's triple European disaster .
18 Parin nodded , and he signed to his assistants to roll up the books so that they could be packed away in the boxes and chests in which they were stored .
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