Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I shall consider his attempts to deal with these in turn .
2 But there was an additional element ; Constantine the Great had embraced the Christian faith and his sons followed with blind intolerance .
3 The show , in the Gemeentemuseum , The Hague ( 1 February -30 June 1994 ) , will consist of fifty paintings and 150 drawings by this austere theoretician of the Modern movement , best known for his canvases painted with horizontal and vertical lines in primary colours .
4 Miller 's imagery is heavy-handed in its efforts to startle , along the lines of ‘ he had his words copulate with one another to bring forth empires , scarabs , holy water , the lice of dreams and the dream of wounds ’ .
5 Franco continued to jabber away , his words interspersed with little outbursts of laughter .
6 Going to his cabin one night the guilty engineer found his bulkheads papered with blue toilet paper and Bluecol stickers everywhere .
7 On a prie-dieu , at the foot of the coffin , knelt the dead man 's brother , his shaven head bowed , his shoulders shaking with silent sobs .
8 Luke laughed deeply , his eyes glittering with tiny flames of excitement .
9 ‘ Honest ! ’ he barked , his eyes glittering with sudden anger .
10 ‘ Yes , I do know the dictionary definition of strumpet , and I love it when you talk dirty , ’ he growled , his eyes glittering with wicked amusement .
11 She described the Americans on the moon , satellites and space travel , and his eyes widened with delighted wonder , like a child 's , as he said : ‘ You 're pulling my leg .
12 When she looked at him through eyes swimming with tears his face was taut with feeling , his eyes filled with burning tenderness .
13 His eyes gleamed with sudden amusement .
14 His eyes narrowed with sudden hostility .
15 An instant later he was lying stretched beside her , resting on one elbow while his eyes burned with sombre intentness into her own .
16 He was hatless , his silver hair awry , his eyes glowing with insane fury .
17 The historian sat back , his eyes glowing with tearful anger .
18 The professor stood rigidly , gripping the high back of his chair with bony hands ; in the sinister candlelight , his eyes burned with some unforgettable memory , cankerous , unexpurgated .
19 Jonadab 's face was white , but his eyes blazed with icy light .
20 His eyes glazed with grim courage uncharacteristic of his kind , his broad hands tightened their grip around the cleaver .
21 Damian was just as angry , and his eyes leapt with blue rage as he stared down at her .
22 His eyes flared with blue violence .
23 His lips curved into a knowing smile , his eyes crinkling with private amusement , and Robyn felt the surge of irritation grow within her again .
24 The car swung to the right and pulled on to the verge , and he swung towards Caroline , his eyes blazing with such anger that she had to keep from cringing into the corner .
25 His eyes darkened with some unknown emotion .
26 Even as he drifted into sleep , his eyes pricked with unshed tears and his mind was filled with images of the Irishman snorting like a foraging pig around his mam 's naked body .
27 His eyes sparkled with good-natured humour .
28 His eyes glittered with unshed tears .
29 A loss of confidence by his bankers coupled with some damning judgments on his corporation 's business conduct culminated in the action by the National Australian Bank , which heads a syndicate of lenders owed A$880 million by the Bond organisation .
30 The Field Marshal was to be tried on two counts : the first , that he had been responsible for the killing of 335 Italians in the Ardeatine Caves outside Rome and the second that he had incited his troops to act with unnecessary force against the partisans .
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