Example sentences of "his [noun sg] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His sojourn with the UDC is suggestive of the role played by that organization in maintaining a basis of grass roots campaigning activity at a time when the official Labour Party had abandoned electioneering for the patriotic excesses of all-party recruiting platforms .
2 He nodded to himself and stroked the underside of his beard with the back of his hand .
3 Furthermore , the monks ' support of Winchelsea in his struggle with the Crown caused them to be temporarily driven out of their house and they had to watch their grain rot in their granary .
4 In his struggle with the alien and threatening " beyondness a man must faithfully use his full sensibility , in which his senses and his understanding are indissolubly joined .
5 King John of England , desperate for Otto 's support during his struggle with the pope and his old natural enemy , the king of France , granted Otto 9000 marks in 1213 but the Welf position was weak .
6 He faked much of his struggle with the gangsters , and failed in his wartime duty to fight imminent subversion ; after the war , his genius was to stir up subversion he could quash .
7 The men greeting Johnson included the Laird , his doctor brother , and four other Macleod relatives , including one , known as Sandie , who had been exiled for his part with the Jacobites in 1745 .
8 He knows how important to the power of his writings had been his fight with the Jews and the outrageous candour of his sexual descriptions , and in the recent writings this knowledge is conveyed by the proximity of an imagined truce to an imagined impotence .
9 Following his split with the SWP James and his small band of adherents joined with another small group , the Workers ' Party , and with the aid his close collaborators , Grace Lee and Raya Dunayevskaya , he set about the task of examining the Hegelian dialectic and Marxist doctrine , which he believed would lead him to a fuller understanding of the Soviet Union , and in particular , Stalinism .
10 He surely wasted his money with the leaflet as ‘ the War to end Wars ’ raged on another three years .
11 If at the time the issue arises the patient still has capacity to decide , they can not only explore the scope of his decision with the patient , but can seek to persuade him to alter that decision .
12 He had stripped naked , running his shorts halfway up the ankle-chain to keep them dry , and sponged himself from head to foot , scouring his skin with the sponge to try to keep clean .
13 The epitomist himself emphasizes that he is writing at a certain distance from the events because he concludes his story with the words : " From this time Jerusalem has been in the possession of the Jews . "
14 Struggling to survive the discouragement of another rebuff , Vincent walked on foot from the Borinage to Brussels to plead his case with the Reverend Pietersen , one of the more sympathetic members of the committee which had just sacked him .
15 By burning , tearing , or otherwise destroying a will , if this is done by the testator or any person in his presence and by his direction with the intention of revolting it .
16 His patience with the media , command of Italian and tireless displays on the pitch make Platt an ideal choice , though his chance has arrived because Stuart Pearce is out through injury .
17 If , before the innocent purchaser bought the goods , the original owner had avoided his contract with the rogue , ownership in the goods would have reverted to the original owner .
18 Strandli has 2 1/2 years left of his contract with the whites and will go for around £500 000 , He will probably leave next week — if — Albacete will pay the demanded 500K .
19 The difference is that a protected tenant has security by virtue of his contract with the landlord ; a statutory tenant has security by virtue of the protection given by the Rent Acts .
20 Mansell insisted he intended to honour his contract with the Newman-Haas Indycar team .
21 In Lambie [ 1982 ] AC 449 and MPC v Charles [ 1977 ] AC 177 , the payee did not care whether the accused 's account was in the red because he was going to be paid anyway in accordance with his contract with the bank or credit card company which provided the cheque card or credit card .
22 It may be conceded that if he did not occupy it under his contract with the bank rent free he would be obliged to hire a house elsewhere , pay rent for it , and pro tanto diminish his income [ author 's emphasis ] .
23 If an expert adopted a code of conduct , it would become part of his contract with the parties and make it much easier for a party to make a claim in the case of a breach .
24 It was held that the defendants , who had acquired the information in the knowledge that the supply was a breach by that subscriber of his contract with the plaintiff , could be restrained by injunction from surreptitiously obtaining or copying information collected by the plaintiffs .
25 I suppose the defendant thought he had some benefit ; at any rate , there is a detriment to the plaintiff from his parting with the possession for even so short a time .
26 No he used to get his mum with the brookstick .
27 Bob Cratchit clerk to Mr. Scrooge has his parallel with the Bank Assistants .
28 From his experience with the Navy 's Coastal Airships on convoy escort and anti U-boat patrols , Binding was accustomed to the perilous practice of climbing out of the gondola cockpit high above the North Sea to service the airship 's two eight-cylinder 150 hp Sunbeam engines .
29 Dufeck , also in 1990 described his experience with the procedure in 15 patients , five ( 33% ) of whom developed biliary complications , two requiring surgery , and three a repeat endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography to establish drainage ; 13 patients were symptom free at a median follow up of 25 months .
30 Lee has worked with Universal before , teaming up with them for Do The Right Thing , Mo ’ Better Blues and Jungle Fever , and it was his experience with the company that has encouraged him to sign his life over to The Man .
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