Example sentences of "his [noun sg] to [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In his address on Sept. 24 King Juan Carlos urged delegates to the conference , which was also attended by observers from eight Arab countries and Israel , to work together to limit the pollution of the Mediterranean , and lent his support to plans for a CSCM .
2 If the birds or Australia had not received that degree of attention from the scientific ornithologist which their interest demanded ’ , he wrote in his preface to Mammals of Australia , ‘ I can assert , without fear of contradiction , that its highly curious and interesting Mammals have been still less investigated .
3 Clearly , someone who wishes to hedge his exposure to variations in the price of an asset in his portfolio could do so either by purchasing an appropriate forward contract — from a bank perhaps — or by purchasing exchange traded futures .
4 They removed files of documents and tape prepared for his defence to charges of burglary .
5 4.3 We propose a general rule that the liability of the original tenant , and his entitlement to benefits under the lease , should not survive an assignment of the lease .
6 This was terrible , because the success or failure of his work depended on his coming to terms with his fellows .
7 In March 1931 , Sir john Simon spoke of socialism as ‘ a poisonous doctrine ’ and declared that he would not close his mind to tariffs as a method of dealing with the economic crisis .
8 Only on the last part of his journey had he put his mind to questions of waxed cloth and canvas , cubic capacity and rates of exchange .
9 One of the big problems the widower does have is that he does not feel so free to express his grief to others by weeping when he talks of his wife , their life together and the events that led up to her death .
10 A few quotations from his correspondence to friends during the years before its appearance will serve to introduce the main interests and traits in question : " Three things are my relaxations , but infrequent ones : my Schopenhauer , Schumann 's music , and solitary walks " ( from 1866 ) ; " It is only too natural that … concentrating on a particular field of knowledge all day long should somewhat blunt one 's untrammelled receptivity and attack the philosophic sense at its root .
11 At the same time , the Secretary of State has revealed his attitude to developments in his response to structure plan policies ; in many cases , while approving the general outline of the structure plans , he has also given more emphasis to permitting further development in rural areas and has substantially reduced the proposed limits for some green belts ( Elson 1981 ) .
12 Most of Wordsworth 's readers who have left us their opinions were middle-class , but we must remember that he addressed his poetry to readers of all classes and we do not know how much the choice of natural subject matter may have meant to urban dwellers who lived out of sight of flowers and trees .
13 The employee need not work out the period of notice if he prefers not to , although he loses his right to wages in lieu of notice .
14 May I draw his attention to comments in the recent issue of ’ Community Care ’ by the hon. Member for Birmingham , Perry Barr ( Mr. Rooker ) The hon. Member for Perry Barr is not an apologist for the Government , but he said that the Labour party was committed to a mixed economy .
15 In the following years , however , Haines turned his attention to workhouses as a panacea for national ills , after a visit to Holland , where he admired Dutch methods of employing the poor .
16 A defence counsel would tear his evidence to shreds on that fact alone . ’
17 Mr Major came under fire over his pledge to Euro-rebels in the Commons he will not ratify the controversial Maastricht Treaty until next year .
18 Paris Journal referred in 1911 to the enthusiasm with which Picasso would show his collection to visitors to his studio in the Boulevard de Clichy .
19 This was apparent in his advice to mothers of families where he recommended bare walls , built-in furniture and large light bathrooms with shower baths and gymnastic appliances .
20 Here is a man who one can readily imagine as a commanding general and an overpowering lover , also as quick-tempered , easily aroused to jealousy , one who declaims his Farewell to Arms with the appropriate panache and is terrifying in his Act 3 outbursts .
21 In his address to delegates at the conference , Dr David Wheeler , manager of environmental services at the Robens Institute , Surrey University , said that EC directives on viral contamination levels in seawater were being ignored because they were too stringent .
22 In 1456–8 he was certainly in England , for he made over all his property to others by letters patent ; he was at the time verger to the collegiate chapel of St Stephen , Westminster .
23 Within a month of his succession to Kennedy , Israeli newspapers were suggesting that ‘ President Johnson will be more responsive than his predecessor to appeals from sympathisers in the US . ’
24 He had his answer to questions about the events of that morning but he had not prepared an answer to any others .
25 Instead of the usual friendly salutations , he scuttled away down the alleyway to sell his information to men like Waller and others to whom I owed debts .
26 The Leader of the Opposition said in his letter to supporters at the beginning of this year that Britain had a £20 billion trade deficit , when the truth was that the deficit fell by a half and the right hon. Gentleman 's figures were wholly wrong .
27 However , prospects for the restoration of calm appeared to be jeopardized by the arrest by Georgian police on Jan. 30 of Torez Kolumbegov , chair of the South Ossetia regional soviet , reportedly as he was on his way to talks with Georgian leaders .
28 ‘ I am a poorer man by some 200 £ than when I came to the Province ’ , he told Gould , apologising for his inability to pay his subscription to Birds of Australia , ‘ and my salary has been reduced to the lowest figure and is far below what I enjoyed as a private Gentleman . ’
29 Another money raiser is Ian Shepherd , who expressed his gratitude to members of his deaf community for their help in the upbringing of his partially deaf daughter by running in the London and New York marathons in 1981 , collecting more than £7,000 through sponsorship .
30 Was he going to be chained here for evening after evening , tearing his soul to pieces with a moral dilemma to which he was no longer sure there was one certain simple answer ?
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