Example sentences of "his [noun sg] and [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 There was no tension in him : when he was tense there was a rigidity in his neck muscles , a rigidity I 'd watched from the depths of the crowd during the brief day of his trial and seen a few times since , as at Nottingham .
2 Sharpe looked down the high street , half expecting to see French Dragoons galloping into the small village , but it was only the Prince of Orange who had abandoned his carriage and taken a horse from one of his escort .
3 Mr Litmus had returned to his lab and prepared a small bottle of acid , hoping it was enough to burn through the metal bars .
4 Saxton , from Oxford , insisted he had used the drug for his asthma and given a dose to Welshman Davies when he complained of a ‘ tight ’ chest .
5 Also in 1908 audiences could have seen Unemployed and Unemployable in which the central character begins by haranguing a crowd ; he is dragged off by his wife and given a whole range of domestic tasks all of which he makes a mess of ; he accidentally acquires stolen goods and is arrested ; the film ends with this ‘ lounger ’ working at last but in the cells .
6 Bayezid subsequently made amends by building a mosque in front of his palace and appointed a place for himself therein .
7 The local Phalangist headquarters were deserted but a Syrian officer , who had earlier been distributing leaflets describing the Syrian army as ‘ an envoy of brotherly love and peace ’ , brusquely jumped down from his tank and uprooted a Phalangist sign designating Kahhale a military zone .
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