Example sentences of "his [noun sg] in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Louis Dersingham was clearly annoyed to find himself having answered his sister in the first place .
2 He would doubtless suffer this blow to his esteem in a First Folio or a 1532 Chaucer , given half a chance , but in lesser books the wound is too serious .
3 I could never understand why Crusoe left his paradise in the first place ; wild horses would not have dragged me from Juan Fernandez .
4 With exquisite logic , Sonic Boom is on the panel , a man who could n't stop talking , I 'm sure , if he could be bothered to open his mouth in the first place .
5 I should n't have been in his study in the first place .
6 I told Bates straight out that I was the only man who had the vision and know-how to keep his club in the First Division and that for a reasonable salary , say 16K a year , I would be willing to quit Athletico .
7 A twice-cracked shin-bone reduced Ian 's initial impact on his bow in the First Division , although he completely proved his worth among that august company and was called up for England B duty in December 1989 , before the injuries were sustained , but no one , friend or foe alike , will ever forget his dramatic appearance , again as a ‘ super-sub ’ , in the FA Cup Final of 1990 .
8 Ade pulled his hamstring in the first round .
9 ‘ Dr Lambert is perhaps best known for his initiative in the First World War towards the production of respirators .
10 Edwards , who played on despite breaking his nose in the first half , insisted : ‘ Widnes created as many chances as we did , but we were a little more clinical in our finishing .
11 As Owen had not appointed Yussuf to his service in the first place but Yussuf had appointed himself , this seemed beside the point .
12 Steve Whitton and Dalian Atkinson were Wednesday 's discoverers of the lost art ; Luton 's hero was their £900,000 Danish acquisition , Lars Elstrup , who scored three following his double in the first leg .
13 After this year , however , Gary became really confused for a couple of months and began to doubt his call in the first place .
14 So only six pounds a month is actually going to get invested in his fund in the first four years .
15 He revealed that more than 100 people were hurt in 81 accidents in his county in the first eight months of this year .
16 It was his idea in the first place to try celibacy when the Hare Krishna lot came round ten years ago with their gongs .
17 The helium-3 is what Palmer was trying to produce as it was the presence of this gas in the atmosphere that had stimulated his idea in the first place , but detecting it would not be easy .
18 He had wanted the part of the young boy who could n't make it with his date in the first play , but he was a juvenile no more and Peter Shaffer had to convince him that it would n't work .
19 Their most expensive signing , £2.5million striker Ian Wright , sat on the bench for the opening game with a thigh strain , and turned his ankle in the first minute when coming on .
20 Eoin Jess broke his ankle in the first meeting of the clubs and the cup draw was followed by a damaging share of the points between Aberdeen and Falkirk at Pittodrie in the Premier Division championship .
21 After a cautious start , Wharton , at 24 , a year younger than the Australian , took his time in the first three minutes before opening up with a series of punches in the next three rounds .
22 Invariably this works out at less than the cost of the repairs , because a vendor would be unlikely to reduce his price to the extent of their full cost — he would argue that he had already taken some account of defects and age when fixing the price of his house in the first place , and if he had been expected to replace all the windows he would have asked a correspondingly higher price .
23 The inference which might be drawn from this analysis was that Eliot himself had conceived a homosexual passion for just such a young man and , when the article was reprinted four years after Eliot 's death , it was suggested to be Jean Verdenal , the Frenchman whom Eliot had met in Paris when he was a student there and to whom , after his death in the First World War , he dedicated Prufrock and Other Observations .
24 69.315 ) and consequently to his source in the first century B.C. : its content agrees with an opinion which the source of Appian .
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