Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One evening Rosslyn 's horse came up from the paddock as usual for his dinner , but instead of practically knocking her over like he normally did in his enthusiasm to get at the food , he stopped quietly at her side and put his head in her hands , saying non-verbally : ‘ I hurt ! ’
2 There will be a liaison judge in the Crown Court who will see it as part of his function to liaise with the lay magistrate and to meet them and to discuss erm such matters as erm sentencing principles with them .
3 With term approaching fast , it was quite likely that Andrew was coming to London on department business , and had seen his opportunity to call in the debt .
4 Colonel Bumford took his opportunity to win on the last throw .
5 The 32-year-old Irishman said his struggle to return to the form which won him the world title and Tours of France and Italy in 1987 his 1987 level , when he won a world title and the Tours of France and Italy , had placed strains on his family .
6 His rhetoric acknowledged the end of the Cold War , but his actions or lack of them spoke volumes about his inability to throw off the attitudes and beliefs that have shaped his entire political life .
7 The deposed king had announced his decision to return at the end of May , when he committed himself to promoting democracy and announced that he was planning to sponsor an interim multiparty government of national consensus which would include members of the military .
8 The Scottish Sports Council announced today that its Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Mr Ken Hutchison has intimated his decision to retire at the end of November .
9 Walsh announced his decision to retire from the government on April 2 ; although he gave no reasons , he had earlier suggested that the government lacked sufficient political will to confront the country 's grave economic problems .
10 My friend is not simply explaining why , for good or bad reasons , he did decide to go to the Park ( as he might after the event , in which case it would be no objection to his explanation that when he got there the zoo turned out to be closed ) ; he is defending his decision to go to the Park rather than meet me at his house , and I can still try to change his mind .
11 He used the occasion to inform the public that his decision to withdraw from the campaign in July had been in response to a Republican dirty tricks campaign which had included a plan to smear his daughter through manufactured photographs and to disrupt her forthcoming wedding .
12 Even Alexander , in October 1825 , had gone back on his decision to deal with the Greek question unilaterally and had instigated talks on Greece with Britain .
13 Defending his decision to meet with the South African delegation he said the conversation had dwelt on the future and potential business investment in the country .
14 Referring to his decision to resign from the Cabinet over the Westland affair in January 1986 , he says : ‘ I made a statement that day making it clear that I was going to continue in active politics in any role the Conservative Party wanted .
15 He succeeded Corneliu Coposu , who had previously announced his decision to resign from the post .
16 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
17 Many commentators interpreted his decision to run for the council as a means of preserving his extensive political machine while also providing a platform within the city government from which he could launch a future mayoral bid .
18 However , since the presence of the deceased on the premises was in direct contravention of an express instruction issued by the brewery to their manager , the brewery were not liable ; his permission to remain on the premises had ceased at closing time , 10.30 p.m .
19 Ollokot had expected to meet Howard and receive his permission to settle on the Umatilla Agency rather than Lapwai .
20 The change from the propagandist playing his derivative educational theme throughout A New View of Society to the leader , however temporary , of a trade union movement already inspirationally Owenite and now ready on his prompting to aspire to the control of the means of production and provision , was profound .
21 Today , however , he used his privilege to check on the background of the child his wife idolized , more out of curiosity than any inclination to relax his stand against trying to procure the child for her .
22 But at the same time , if there is a God , it is perfectly plausible to argue that He would desire the discussion of His existence to proceed in the argumentative , confused and doubting way in which it currently does .
23 Once he had taken that view he abdicated , albeit unconsciously , his responsibility to rule on the submissions made .
24 He even expressed his willingness to act for the police in the future , if needed .
25 As Richard Neustadt puts it , ‘ When one man shares authority with another , but does not gain or lose his job on the other 's whim , his willingness to act upon the urging of the other turns on whether he conceives the action right for him . ’
26 He also declared his willingness to participate in the second round of the presidential poll and said that UNITA would attend forthcoming multiparty talks convened by the MPLA-PT .
27 Tesfaye Gebre Kidan continued to appeal for a ceasefire and to impress on foreign ambassadors his willingness to negotiate with the rebels .
28 His willingness to talk to the French people on their level was received as a touching gesture rather than a condescending one .
29 Obtain as much information as you can about his argument , his willingness to shift from the present position .
30 A prodigious runner , Mehew 's pace and fitness give Rovers the appearance of playing 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 at the same time and his willingness to get into the penalty area has brought him four goals already this season .
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