Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 SCOTLAND captain David Sole has given short shrift to anyone who has blamed Martin Bayfield and Tim Rodber for the drastic change in Scottish scrummaging fortunes between the World Cup semi-final and the Five Nations opener , when his side scored their first pushover try against England for donkey 's years , despite losing by a record score .
2 This brought the West Indian 's aggregate for the two matches to 181 without being dismissed and it enabled his side to seal their second impressive nine-wicket win .
3 Soviet lock Sergei Sergeyev , one of the finds of the inaugural tournament , gets a helping hand as his side suffer their only reversal in the pool matches , losing 10–8 to Italy .
4 The new arrival 's haughty politeness suppressed their irritation ; his dress and studied self-sufficiency ( he had taken out a devotional book to read while sipping his brandy and water ) teased out their curiosity ; his amiability , when accosted , won their sympathy ; introductions followed at which his card commanded their instant respect and attention .
5 A church is so short of money that the vicar is asking his flock to bring their own bread and wine to services .
6 Naas Botha and his team play their first international in England since 1969 — and it could be their last in a long while .
7 With his team having their worst season since 1983 , Ditka 's first as coach , speculation is growing he will bow out at the end of the year .
8 The Telegraph commented : ‘ As Sir Alf [ pictured ] watched his team begin their first game together since last November he must have felt like a yachtsman who takes the winter covers off his boat , eases it into the water and finds it has sprung leaks fore , aft and midships . ’
9 The 53-year-old captain and his crew began their epic adventure to sail in the wake of Colummbus , at 8pm on Wednesday evening , but an injured crew member forced them to land two hours later 21 miles down the cost .
10 The ground was hard and peppered with rocks so Newby and his friend used their inflatable beds .
11 From this time Louis-Napoleon found himself alone with his mother , as a result of his elder brother 's going to live with their father , for ex-King Louis had established himself in Tuscany and had insisted that his wife entrust their elder son to his charge .
12 One father was spotted at a lunch party , gazing fixedly at his wife breastfeeding their four-week-old son .
13 In 1920–1 he and his wife built their own house in South Marston , and the last decade of his life was spent writing and market gardening .
14 He will also regularly look over pollution control installations in his district to ensure their satisfactory operation and maintenance .
15 Next , however , having invaded Egypt , Antiochus himself sacked the Temple of Jerusalem , occupied the Acra with a garrison and ordered all the peoples in his kingdom to renounce their own laws .
16 Adam had viewed with near-incredulity his mother 's preparations in the past for going on holiday , the way everything in the house seemed to get washed , the way she and his father wore their worst clothes for days beforehand because the best ones were packed , the phone calls she made , the notes she left for tradesmen .
17 It was going dark by the time the shepherd and his son shed their ragged leather milking jackets and carried two buckets each up the stone steps to the kitchen , followed by the two carabinieri .
18 It was more than time to cross the field back to his starting-point , along with the wary groups of his van dragging their wounded .
19 Mr Hollins helped his family turn their small island off north Wales into a wildlife sanctuary .
20 Ministers of all denominations testify to the fact that renewal and growth began as they met with those in their churches burdened by God to confess their spiritual apathy or impotence and to seek his power to heal their defeated lives and divided churches in order to become the people he intended them to be , not only in the Church , but in the world .
21 This second theory remembers that in 431BC — the high point of classical Greece — the great Pericles spoke bitterly of the many Greeks who in his judgment avoided their public responsibilities : a ‘ useless ’ lot , he called them .
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