Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 A sitting tenant who came with the greenhouses … and is doing his bit to keep down the slugs .
2 Cleo sighed , and opened her mouth to speak , but at that moment the door to the parlour creaked and Drago Dratslinger and his mistress brought in the meal they had prepared for their guests , and the talk turned to that of wood and spirits , of how to trap a wandering soul .
3 For his part Ivashko promised following his election to give up the Ukrainian CP leadership , and at a party congress on June 22-23 he was replaced as first secretary by his former deputy , Stanislav Gurenko .
4 As always , he was driven from St-Cloud in his black Rolls Royce Phantom ; as always , when his driver held back the door , and he climbed out , he looked up at Lassalle 's building , that tall dark tower , and then passed inside .
5 He made an irritable gesture of flapping his cloak to shake off the water .
6 When his coolie picked up the shafts and broke into his loping stride , Joseph found he could n't look at the narrow , sweat-streaked shoulders bobbing in front of him without seeing the bleeding welts caused by the French colon 's cane .
7 He made a similar reply to another member who insisted that radio should give better publicity to what MPs said in the House : it was not , he said , the job of his Ministry to build up the reputation of individual MPs .
8 More recently his attempt to damp down the fires of the Rushdie controversy , A Satanic Affair : Salman Rushdie and The Rage of Islam , infuriated both Muslim militants and some of Rushdie 's friends , which makes him think he got the balance about right .
9 The flimsy Geneva settlement , engineered by Eden in 1954 to enable the French to withdraw from Indo-China , was breaking down as Ho Chi Minh had begun his attempt to take over the South with backing of Communist China .
10 But when Uccello died in his eighties , ‘ He left a daughter who could design , and a wife who used to say that Paolo would remain the night long in his study to work out the lines of his perspective , and that when she called him to come to rest , he replied , ‘ Oh what a sweet thing this perspective is ! ’
11 He is near enough for his bulk to cut out the reflection of the sky and so his own reflection does not reproduce his colours but allows us to see into the water .
12 Swindon swept back within seconds for Maskell to score , but a minute later he had his spot-kick turned around the post by Steve Sutton .
13 Pa shrugged himself into his coat and tied a muffler about his neck to keep out the cold February wind .
14 ‘ No , ’ said Harry , already in his mind scrambling down the rocks in the dark to Severnside .
15 His mind fought off the idea furiously , and yet it came back to fret his certainty again .
16 He let his mind wander down the twenty yards of landing and the three stairs to the back bedroom where his sixteen-year-old daughter lay .
17 He became so desperate at one stage that it crossed his mind to give up the game altogether .
18 He watched in agony as Ram , with the deliberate movements of long service and old age , tore the cartridge , emptied the powder into the muzzle , and took his ramrod to drive down the rest of the cartridge .
19 Wells lost his tolerance of contradiction in his anxiety to tidy up the world .
20 Quickly picked up near Cape Town by a passing ship , Swift , in the confidence of sealed orders and of his own determination , persuades the captain to divert his passage to track down the Welfare .
21 The orderly sergeant missed his footing coming down the rather steep gangway into the magazine , and cursed " Oh bother " or some similar word you hear often in the Sergeants Mess .
22 Working flat out during the day , and immersed in reams of paperwork during the night , Ross had been totally absorbed in his battle to fight off the sharks who were attacking his financial empire .
23 Eight years after setting a world mile record which still remains unchallenged today , the 32-year-old has abandoned his glittering international miling career to make his eagerly-awaited move up the distance ladder .
24 To the general surprise , the March — it was worked on by Harvey Postlethwaite , now at Ferrari and one of a handful of the really bright ones — proved an effective foil for Hunt 's driving style : Hunt qualified ninth and was running sixth when his engine gave up the ghost .
25 Charlie saw his brace disappearing down the plug-hole .
26 In a case like this the applicant must , before issuing an originating summons , write to his opponent setting out the nature of his allegations and his information that the documents are relevant .
27 Tralhaut comments that he seemed to be almost glorying in his failure to break down the barriers and ‘ storm the fortress ’ of his love 's frozen heart .
28 Since John 's death , however , one of his younger cousins , Robin Cranko , has made it his business to search out the beginnings of the family .
29 Holding up the edge of the pillow with his left hand , Mungo reached under with his right to take out the striped pyjamas .
30 But Mr Kohl 's lack of forthrightness in acting against racist attacks and his reluctance to take up the cause of their victims suggests a chancellor , if not a country , who has yet to come fully to terms with the past .
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