Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This change of career was prompted by his enthusiasm to study the Pacific .
2 Oliver was , and still is , a farmhand who put down his spade one afternoon and picked up his guitar to tell the Robert Johnson story his way .
3 In a televised interview , he announced his resignation and , at the same time , his decision to join the FPL , the armed revolutionary group most strongly connected to the BPR .
4 It was announced on March 12 that Vladimir Lexa , the Slovak First Deputy Premier , had informed Cic of his decision to leave the CPCz .
5 A five-hour visit by US President George Bush on June 11 , intended , according to US political analysts , to demonstrate to US voters in an election year that his decision to launch the December 1989 military invasion of Panama [ see pp. 37112-13 ] had been vindicated and that peace and democracy had returned to the country , badly backfired when thousands of demonstrators disrupted his public appearances .
6 De Gaulle 's known views — fashioned by his interpretation of the collapse of France in 1940 and his resentment over the refusal of Britain and the United States to treat him as an equal in prosecuting the war effort , on the failings of the Fourth Republic , on reforming NATO , on the need for France to acquire greater international prestige , along with his ambition to affect a lasting reconciliation between France and West Germany ( ideally on French terms ) — all influenced his decision to terminate the Maudling Committee negotiations , and all were still influential in his rejection a few years later of the British application to enter the EEC .
7 ( Elspeth Loades ) ; ‘ Lord James Goldsmith ( right ) announcing his plans to demerge the USSR . ’
8 But his deputies said the UN 's men did not have a peacekeeping mandate ; they were in Bosnia only to protect aid convoys .
9 Sullivan crawled to the relative security of the chancery 's central corridor and on his walkie-talkie ordered the US marines guarding the compound not to resist , still less to shoot anyone .
10 However generous Edward wished to be — and his willingness to challenge the Stanleys suggests that he saw Richard 's endowment as a matter of some urgency — there was a limit to how much he could afford to do for his brother .
11 However generous Edward wished to be — and his willingness to challenge the Stanleys suggests that he saw Richard 's endowment as a matter of some urgency — there was a limit to how much he could afford to do for his brother .
12 His ghost wandered the Essex farmhouse in eastern England ever after , its teeth chattering and little body trembling .
13 His attempt to extend the CBoT 's reach to New York by proposing a takeover to the Commodity Exchange , New York 's precious-metals futures market , fell apart last month when Comex members sensibly declined the deal .
14 Benichou failed in his attempt to wrest the IBF world title from Mexican Manuel Medina on Saturday .
15 His attempt to woo the West Bank has definitively failed .
16 Tony Greig had already failed in his attempt to make the West Indies ‘ grovel ’ , and never looked like doing it now .
17 In disengaging from that strategy and withdrawing to his study to memorialize the de Gaulle of history , the General reverted to his original concept of the leader-in-reserve — the solitary hero to whom the nation would inevitably turn in a moment of dire emergency .
18 We paid a final courtesy call on General Aziz , Werner 's friend who had lent us Abu and his jeep to film the Toraja .
19 The last time they met Mr Major gave Mr Delors — his main opponent in the battle over the future shape of Europe — a dressing down over his bid to scupper the Gatt talks .
20 A LONE sailor set off yesterday in his bid to cross the Atlantic Ocean in the smallest boat .
21 His supporters prevented the SPD from writing their ideas for social and economic change into the Basic Law , defeated SPD hopes for a more centralised government and later ( in November 1949 ) ensured that Beethoven 's birthplace , Bonn , would be the capital of the new Republic .
22 His partnership strengthened the Balbirnie team in shareholding terms , broadening its equity base .
23 In the fall of 1978 , while the Shah 's power was draining away from him in Teheran and riots against his rule dominated the US television news , Sadat was closeted with Menahcem Begin and Jimmy Carter in the Maryland hills working out the interstices of what became known as the Camp David Agreement .
24 He used his key to enter the Marylebone Road lodging ; it was late , though not yet midnight .
25 His clients included the Calthorpe family .
26 In fact it was a further 33 years , in 1954 , that Dr. Pierre Schmidt of Geneva published essays about his experiences using the LM scale .
27 Despite his high international profile , his determination to preserve the Atlantic alliance and his 1972 Nobel Peace Prize , Brandt 's policy provoked concern amongst the CDU , who doubted that the ‘ Eastern Treaties ’ would actually lead to any relaxation of Soviet control in East Germany .
28 Previously he had been elected chairman of the Falkland Islands Committee because his determination to keep the Falklands British was such a boost to the morale of the islanders .
29 As his diocese included the Isle of Wright , The Rev. Pearce would often have occasion to hold signed conversations with Queen Victoria who was acquainted with some deaf people near her favourite retreat at Osborne .
30 He arrived at Narok ‘ with the intention of using his influence to bring the Moran to reason ’ , and left several weeks later with a promise that the recruits would be forthcoming .
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