Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His decision to stay at home for emergency meetings sent shock waves through the money markets and shares plunged .
2 His presence kept at bay the pictures that danced through her mind , of Peter lying in the dust , her Peter who had , she realized suddenly , always had the same slightly defensive outlook that Hank had , of trying to forestall criticism .
3 ‘ Well , my dear , I do n't think you can find anything sinister in the fact that a man wants to see his child bathed at night .
4 The sound of his chainsaw started at dawn and did n't stop until dusk , at which point he started hauling the product of his day 's labour into the woodshed .
5 ‘ If he tells me once more that his parents met at midnight on Hallowe'en and live in a riverside pub which is his and his brother 's — I do n't know what I 'll do ! ’ thought Jane .
6 If on the other hand he also had some burning when he passed a motion , his feet burned at night and his eyes were dry and burning , then it is clear that the sensation of ‘ burning ’ runs throughout many areas of the person 's body and so becomes characteristic of him as a whole , that is , it becomes General .
7 Steve Martin 's manically over-conscientious dad steals the show , whether the news that his small , diffident young son needs psychiatric help or chewing the pitch as his offspring fumbles at baseball , and entertaining at a kids ' party as an unconvincing cowboy .
8 For when his job finished at night , he would make for his favourite pub(s) and spend the whole evening with his cronies , drinking , playing dominoes , and talking of the ‘ old days ’ in that far-off land of persecution and misery .
9 Only once had he let himself begrudge it , only once , that night , and never since , for he knew it was his duty and his right to stay at home with her .
10 When his team played at home he confined his break-ins to the London area .
11 On Saturday I sat there watching his team lose at home to Chelsea and listening to an Australian Evertonian who was back at Goodison for the first time since he emigrated in 1985 .
12 Nottingham Forest v Norwich Norwich 's manager Dave Stringer was playing the last time his team won at Forest — in 1974 .
13 He could make himself out to be the apostle of order in Europe , but he had to devote far more his attention to order at home .
14 She knew she was still on trial , despite his efforts to appear at ease .
15 Got his ass peppered at Goose Green . ’
16 The warden or his deputy presided at Forest inquests into venison trespasses , and at the attachment courts .
17 He had worked for the same firm for 16 years without working on a Sunday because of his objection to working on a Sunday and his wish to stay at home and then to go to church .
18 In his farewell remarks at Speech Day , the Headmaster confined himself to the past 25 years , comparing 1937 — when there were six Old Stopfordians at Oxford and two at Cambridge — with the present , when there were 22 and 15 respectively .
19 ‘ I hope he keeps his door locked at night , then , if he is n't , ’ Frank said venomously .
20 The was hot water on demand for washing and , believe it or not , a sauna bath available at a moment 's notice , run by a scientist from Estonia who was spending his holidays working at camp and doing a bit of climbing when there was no-one wanting a little birch-twig flagellation .
21 He 's past his peak as a tennis player , so it 's his turn to stay at home .
22 The diarist Evelyn described how at Whitehall in 1685 , on the Sunday before Charles II had his fatal stroke , he witnessed ‘ the inexpressible luxury and profaneness and forgetfulness of God , as the King sat and toyed with his three concubines whilst his courtiers played at basset with £2,000 of gold on the table ’ .
23 Whereas in the classic Italian historical novel , Manzoni 's The Betrothed ( 1827 ) , much admired by Eco , the omniscience of the author consists in his ability to probe at will into the psychology of his characters and , at the same time , to link this to broad historical movements and even some sense of a providential ‘ plot ’ in history , in Eco it is closer to the power of the master craftsman who can make what he will with the materials to hand , and unmake it too .
24 Macnab had read classics at Oxford , and appreciated the range of Joyce 's literary and linguistic knowledge , not least his ability to quote at will and to the point from Virgil and Homer .
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