Example sentences of "we 've [vb pp] for the " in BNC.

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1 Figures we 've obtained for the first three months of this year show astonishing variations in cautioning rates across Kent .
2 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
3 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
4 We 've acted for the club for a long time and have always had a good relationship with them .
5 Alice said , " We 've paid for the gas boiler , for a lot of cable , for tools , for wood , for glass . "
6 And we 've allowed for the fact that cooking for a family or organising a dinner party may take you away from the cooker when you want the food to go on cooking .
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