Example sentences of "we now [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We now argue through the following stages :
2 If we now proceed to the process of back-substitution , this is in effect operating again with rows , and all it does is to compete the process which was done continuously in the pivotal condensation of 2.2.1 .
3 We now come to a second way in which inductivism is undermined .
4 WE now come to a consideration of the percussion group ( formerly known as ‘ the kitchen ’ ) , chief among which stand the Timpani ( or kettledrums ) .
5 We now come to a question that causes a great deal of difficulty , particularly to foreign learners ( who can not simply dismiss it as an academic question ) : how can one select the correct syllable or syllables to stress in an English word ?
6 Assuming that by now we 've chosen between twist and braid , we now come to the matter of cross-section and the drag it creates .
7 WE now come to the question of the long narrative , the novel , and how we can approach the writing of one .
8 The wish for companionship was very definitely in the category of illegitimate pleasure strivings : ‘ We now come to the treatment , as it were , for a baby who cries simply because he wants attention , which is : ‘ Baby must cry it out ’ . ’
9 We now come to the first of the simpler tests for irreducibility over Q[x] .
10 We now come to the reason for including partnerships and non-profits in the table , even though these structures are not really our concern .
11 Mr. Wilson : We now come to the disposal of assets of the Scottish Transport Group .
12 We now come to the final stage in the Johnston and McClelland model — abstract word detection .
13 We now come to the closing words of Rule 1 , ‘ it is immaterial whether the time of payment or the time of delivery , or both , be postponed . ’
14 We now come to the Social Security orders and the Opposition prayers .
15 Erm we now come to the appointment of the auditors and the question of their remuneration .
16 We now come to the breakdown of trading profit by sector .
17 We now come to the second part of our programme , according to our agenda , which has the broad heading , Achiev N C V O Achievements and Intentions , and it 's obviously a natural follow-on from the I er , A G M which we have just completed , at which council received the annual report of N C V O's work for the past year , and its use of the resources which are available to it to carry out that work .
18 Well we now go into the political debate erm Bill .
19 It saw the laying to rest of the old war-torn , Dark-age Europe and the emergence of a distinct and purposeful civilization , which we now recognize as the first flowering of the Middle Ages .
20 The music faded softly into the background and the Chairman proudly announced , ‘ Ladies and gentlemen … we now present for the great enjoyment of all … the London Idol … the one and only …
21 What we now know as a result of studies on the enkephalin-endorphin system has brought a new understanding of pain and of bodily responses to injury .
22 In the case of William Wordsworth we are fortunate in possessing his own very full account of the first part of his life , roughly down to the mid-1790s , in the ‘ Poem ’ addressed to Coleridge which we now know as The Prelude .
23 There were delays in correspondence owing to the war , and Wordsworth decided to finish , as a tribute to his friend , the ‘ poem to Coleridge ’ which we now know as the 1805 Prelude .
24 It was now possible to map what we now know as the motor cortex ( i.e. the part of the brain controlling muscle function ) in terms of the musculature each section controlled .
25 The " sett " referred to as being held by Wilson might have been what we now know as the Tilberthwaite Mine ; which had been an attractive prospect from the days of the Elizabethan miners and continued to be investigated on and off right up to the 1930's .
26 Do you not think that almost regardless of the reply and whatever that reply contained , with what we now know with the benefit of hindsight about Liechtenstein , which was actually known by I M R O there 's not for the benefit of hindsight that was n't known at that time , should n't I M R O have refused immediately to license any organisation that was controlled out of Liechtenstein in those circumstances ?
27 Much of what we now know about the tool-using behaviour of wild chimpanzees has come from the remarkable long-term studies carried out at the Gombe Stream Reserve in Tanzania by British primatologist Jane Goodall .
28 It is this second concept which has caused all the trouble , certainly ( for example ) in view of what we now know about the very different world of early Precambrian times .
29 That is presumably the product of what we now know about the Brixton prison escape .
30 From what we now know about the nature of meaning , a hybrid or modular account seems inescapable : there remains the hope that with two components , a semantics and a pragmatics working in tandem , each can be built on relatively homogeneous and systematic lines .
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