Example sentences of "we are [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 IN OUR arrogance , we parents tend to assume that our children love us , respect us and think we are endowed with the wisdom of Solomon .
2 ‘ We could run into problems with the draw and the going in Paris and we are leaning towards the Cheveley Park at Newmarket , ’ said owner Lord Carnarvon .
3 We are poised on the edge .
4 Nevertheless , the director of quality for the new Anglian Water plc , Peter Matthews , told the press , ‘ I can assure all our consumers that the water we are providing from the reservoir is absolutely safe to drink . ’
5 So in turning to social processes outside employment , we are shifting to a sphere of study which has been well trodden by urban sociology .
6 Virtually every week we are warned in the media of further devastating environmental effects of our own past excesses ; effects that threaten human as much as non-human life and livelihood .
7 In the 1990s , again we are jumping to a new technology — object-oriented programming — as the answer to developing and delivering quality software on time .
8 Presently , we are looking to the completion of the scheme , either as flats or possibly as a small hotel or restaurant .
9 We are looking to the government for a fundamental change in attitudes towards training . ’
10 We are looking to the ILEA and Sports Council to support this , but a small charge might be necessary as this day is over and above the normal QT days .
11 So we are looking to the effect of the aims , a low paid county , that 's not something , Chairman , I 'm proud of , because I do think that , that those , that areas with a high paid economy are genuinely more prosperous areas .
12 No , no as the Director has indicated , we are looking to the east of the county .
13 Mr Mitchell said yesterday : ‘ We are looking to the future with optimism , hence the investment . ’
14 We are looking for a couple of acres owned by the UMWA member which has become the focus of the strike : Camp Solidarity .
15 And for this reason we are looking for a suitable name .
16 So we are looking for a new name that we shall use for the discs when they are eventually released .
17 We are looking for a more realistic piece of sky . ’
18 Mary Anne who has been managing this side of things for us is leaving Birmingham and we are looking for a new manager ( see job description on page 6 ) .
19 As we saw in section 10.5 , we are looking for a line which will make the residual Y s as small as possible .
20 We are looking for a brutal , unfeeling killer . ’
21 It takes far less time than full-scale autobiography , for we are looking for a profile of the significant events that have made you the distinctive person that you are ( warts and all , as they say ) .
22 We are looking for a graduate scientist/engineer with the ability to lead and motivate a team of four , generating ideas and carrying work forward , within deadlines and budget , to successful and practical solutions .
23 If we are looking for a separation of science from religion in the seventeenth century , we shall surely find it .
24 We are looking for a compromise position between behaviourism , which identified mental states with some function of behaviour , and the approach common to the sceptical argument and the argument from analogy , which separates them too much .
25 However , as the real appeal of DTP is in its ability to manipulate pages it 's likely that we are looking for a page makeup product such as PageMaker or its many rivals .
26 We are looking for a sufficient cause or reason for the legal enforcement of a promise .
27 ‘ Be patient , Sir John , ’ Athelstan replied , ‘ Remember , we are looking for a pattern .
28 In the long term we are looking for a measure of the relationship between debt financing and equity financing .
29 We are looking for a reason of justice we all share for rejecting the checkerboard strategy in advance even if we would each prefer a checkerboard solution on some occasions to the one that will be imposed if the strategy is rejected .
30 We are looking for a killer without ties .
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