Example sentences of "we would have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We could n't sport the name of Dark or Phillips or Brown or Davies or any other Worcester paddler who went out to give their all but we thought we would have a go .
2 Energy in the brain comes from burning glucose , so if we could find out if , where and when more glucose was being used in the minutes after training , we would have a clue as to which areas of the brain were relevant to the memory storage process .
3 One certainly would not understand that the real choice was between de facto membership of a deutschmark zone in which we would have no influence and membership of a single currency system in which we would have a stake .
4 that would be to completely undermine the effect of article eighty five , we simply would n't be able to raise our shield at all , we would have a counterclaim but at which point since we had no of what erm , for example as one of it 's principal defences , defences , erm we would say we 've made the plaintiffs case very much easier , they 've now got all our money , we 're bankrupt , we ca n't pursue our claim because we 've got no money to pursue it with in article eighty five would of been completely undermined because we would not of had a realistic opportunity to raise article eighty five as a defence and your Lordship to do that would of had to not only set aside the counterclaim as a set off , but also to set aside the entire eighty five defence to stayed it or to have set it aside
5 So we would have a queen who is in another relationship and a king who is another relationship .
6 The right hon. Gentleman said that the rates were the most unjust form of local taxation , yet under Labour we would have a revaluation that would be carried out on an arbitrary basis such as the market price ; the rebuilding cost ; the maintenance and repair cost ; the private rent value ; the number of windows , the size of the roof , or the view from the property .
7 We had no Balls as such in those days , we would have a dance , and when I was entertaining any of my theatrical friends from the West End it was always Tommy that I selected to do some special entertaining — well within the reach of the station commander 's entertaining fund .
8 If we did that , we would do away with all these debates about local taxation , whether we should have the rating system or another system such as the poll tax or the council tax , and we would have a system which , at the end of the day , would give the local people the opportunity to determine priorities .
9 This must still yield a finite minimum , for otherwise we would have a solution satisfying ( 8.1 ) and for all and with cost decreasing ( z increasing ) in .
10 We would have a ship making scheduled passages from Rotterdam , Say , to London .
11 If we were to relax the requirement x i j = 0 or 1 to x i j > 0 , we would have a TP , but any TP has an optimal solution in integers and , in view of the constraints , this means x i j = 0 or 1 .
12 Is she , where , is she actually proposing that these should be located ? in , in the countryside , in , in towns ? because they 're sens sensitivities o on that particular on the siting of that er particular activity and er we 're seen it elsewhere , er , those of us who have been on this committee for some time will know the concern that there are about the location of waste recycling facilities and er as I say I would hate that we would have a list of sites across the county which would just start paying us money and quite frankly should never be started .
13 Frankly , we would have a mountain to climb to get ‘ The Stiffs ’ into Europe , but you never know .
14 It would in fact be a pretty salient idea , since we would have a lot of use for it , on many unhappy occasions .
15 But erm happily erm we managed to deal with the matters primarily because management agreed that we would have a meeting on a Monday and a meeting on a Thursday , both held in the afternoon , in the last hour of the working day .
16 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
17 It still did n't hit me that within hours we would have a baby : I vaguely felt I was immersed in some surreal soap-dream that constantly receded back into itself .
18 But every day we would have a pudding , rice or suet , and always different .
19 That was some going– but we would have a place for him in any Palace gallery even without it .
20 ‘ If there was going to be a bid , I wanted to make sure we would have a place at the negotiating table , ’ he says .
21 Nowadays we are so scattered about the country that it is very unlikely that any of us would have a Stainey just around the corner who could be relied upon to put up a first class polish .
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