Example sentences of "she had [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He saw and understood that she had prepared herself for him .
2 She had soiled herself to the point of revulsion by submitting to his pawing in the public street — as shameless as the casual coupling of two dogs .
3 Had n't he understood that she had given herself to him for the only reason that made any sense to her .
4 After her husband 's death she had borne herself with a mournful dignity which had done her standing no harm , and taken the funeral food to the tomb herself with a regularity and devotion which would have shamed women lamenting better-loved partners .
5 ( In 1972 she had married a British academic , Michael Aris , and their two children were at school in England , where she had lived herself until April 1988 . )
6 Even so , she had hidden herself in the claustrophobic cabin , afraid she might be recognized .
7 Fenna loved Maggie , and knowing that all was lost and love had departed , that she had betrayed their long friendship , that she had asserted herself over his mastery , he howled and , dropping his shoulder , hurled her out of her safe nest and into the immensity of space .
8 ‘ Kirsty MacColl bollocked me about that gay thing , right , because she had to defend herself to the people she knew saying , ‘ Look , Shaun ai n't like that . ’
9 I could almost feel sorry for her , she had gotten herself into such a false position .
10 She had comforted herself with her own severity .
11 Employing only a cool curiosity , she had defended herself from sentimental pretences .
12 She realised with a suppressed groan that she was forced to justify herself to the chief superintendent in the same terms as she had defended herself against Christine Mills .
13 She had kept herself to herself .
14 During our work with this widow , whose husband had died very unexpectedly , it turned out that since the time of his death until the time she contacted us , she had kept herself in a state of perpetual motion between her house and that of her son who lived some fifty miles away .
15 Teri has given up going to New Year 's Eve parties after she had to lock herself in the kitchen with loads of middle aged ladies hammering on the door .
16 In front of the fire she kept a dark tab rug that she had made herself from scraps of different-coloured material .
17 But her wounds had begun to heal and yesterday she had felt herself on the verge of a promising beginning — an uphill struggle , perhaps , but a definite move towards new happiness .
18 Well , she had saddled herself with something , had n't she ?
19 The previous year she had amused herself with Greg Farrel , one of the agricultural students who had come to help with the harvest .
20 A serving-maid to all intents and purposes , she had presented herself at the door which gave access to the rear stairs , the garden stairs , which led to the royal apartments .
21 From the age of 22 she had cut herself on many occasions .
22 Lee felt a wave of self-pity in response , so that she had to brace herself with pride .
23 It had little effect and she had to force herself into the driving seat and begin the return journey .
24 She worked throughout this period , but it was here , she says , that she knew she had disassociated herself from the University too much .
25 She had worn herself to death .
26 And she had dragged herself to her feet again and watched as the man called Duvall had sadistically begun to kill the boy who had protected her .
27 She too , like Mercer , must have suffered for years from his boorish behaviour in public , and she had distanced herself from it .
28 She had addressed herself to Ben , and he said , ‘ Aye , I could .
29 She remembered how she had submerged herself in scented water every day and sometimes twice in the sticky summertime and never would again , until she grew up and had a bathroom of her own .
30 She had entrenched herself in virtue .
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