Example sentences of "she had [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
2 He had assumed , discriminated , made her feel as if she had to apologise for the way she lived her life , when he knew nothing , nothing of her circumstances or her reasons .
3 If so , she had prepared for the event more thoroughly than he could ever have imagined .
4 She had already spent an hour weeding and was determined to uproot a particularly tough dandelion ; then coffee , then the weekend shopping and then off to the sailing club where she had enrolled for a course of lessons in board-sailing .
5 She let Ferdinando teach her how to judge an aubergine ripe and a chicken fresh and then she copied those older women she had seen for the rest .
6 Clare was fired for turning up late after she had to wait for a doctor because Josh had a temperature .
7 Dana did n't come to the showroom either ; she had appeared for a fitting and for a rehearsal , as she had promised , neither of which had been an outstanding success .
8 But she had to battle for a York neck victory from Satank and trainer Jack Berry said : ‘ She ran well , but looked to be going over the top .
9 He managed to spend the odd hour alone with Grace , who told him she had fallen for a Welsh corporal who had stood on a land-mine and ended up blind in one eye .
10 She had run for the county particularly in cross country events .
11 Arthur Leopold of County Cork had taken the picture , and the first time Ellie had tiptoed into the bedroom she had stood for a long time staring at the photograph , because it was the first time she had ever seen the likeness of her dead mother .
12 She had asked for a test-tube baby because her fallopian tubes were irreversibly blocked .
13 Mr Elton attacked his wife after she had asked for a divorce .
14 ‘ When Jane told us she had asked for a divorce it was a complete shock . ’
15 To her great relief , however , Fabia subsequently discovered that she had asked for a quite delicious meal of venison with bacon , mushrooms and tomatoes .
16 Come and tell me about this morning , ’ He looked round for Catherine to discover that with admirable good sense she had asked for the facilities of the house , and was being issued with soap and hand-towels by Miss Williams .
17 She had sensed that he believed she had asked for the locket , that she was guilty of abusing his father 's generosity .
18 It was true also that she gave English lessons and that she had applied for a full-time job as an English teacher in a small private school .
19 Alexa said she had applied for a modelling but had received no reply .
20 She 'd known exactly what she was getting into when she had applied for a job with the commodity brokers , McKenzie Dunton .
21 She had yearned for a glimpse of him , and had wanted to tell him about Lovat herself , to make sure that he understood her reasons .
22 She suspected that she was pregnant when she began seeing Alan , but this was only confirmed when she had to go for a check-up because Alan had a urinal infection .
23 ‘ Elaine said she had to go for a blood test .
24 She was shocked herself , but that shock was muted by the greater shock of realising that even now she was not certain that she would keep the appointment she had made for the morning .
25 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
26 When at 7.30 am on Saturday 8 May I saw Marion Reid sitting in brilliant sunshine on the pavement , beside the doll 's house she had made for the Sale , waiting for the Church doors to be opened , I knew that all would be well .
27 She was still in the dark coat and dress she had selected for the Jockey Club hearing and Nick was in pinstripes .
28 Guilt and exhaustion is what she had felt for the next year .
29 That evening , as her mother had stood at the kitchen door with the shadow of future old age lurking behind her , she had felt for the first time what it was to be a grown-up , what it was that she was missing in the never-never land of Fenna 's spell .
30 During the headmistress 's speech she had realized for the first time how little she knew of the world that lay beyond the school gates .
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