Example sentences of "she for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Neil Kinnock and others pressed her for a while about Nigel Lawson 's resignation .
2 ‘ I have an old friend who works for a publisher in New York and I stayed with her for a couple of weeks while I found a job .
3 Mechanical things were not her strong point ; after watching her for a couple of minutes , Melissa could stand it no longer .
4 Maybe you can get somebody to move in with her for a couple of days .
5 Have n't seen her for a couple of month , have you ?
6 He stared at her for a second in stunned silence , breathing hard , his eyes dazed .
7 His hand could only have been on her for a matter of seconds , if that , but when he released her she felt as though her skin had been scorched
8 Fortunately my mother was able to return to teaching and to complete the final two or three years which qualified her for a pension of her own .
9 The outspoken Mrs Clinton , an assertive Leftish lawyer , has already become a campaign issue because of a scathing remark she made about women who ‘ stay at home and bake cookies ’ and because Mr Clinton says he will consider her for a job in his Cabinet once he wins the White House .
10 Her husband left her for a job in the Arabian Gulf one year ago , and apart from regular maintenance , neither she nor the children have heard from him since .
11 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
12 Delia had taken her for a walk in the park and Mrs Miniver — always an inquisitive ‘ person ’ by nature — had squeezed through railings alongside the river and promptly slid down the bank into the water .
13 After visiting Queen 's the man took her for a walk near Twickenham Bridge where he attacked her .
14 Some connection having been made in his mind , he began to rebuke her for a belief in the reality of Noah 's Ark , which he referred to sarcastically as the Myth of the Deluge .
15 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
16 She let us stay with her for a week after Dada — ’ She paused , and again her hesitation appeared as if her mind were groping for an answer or a revelation to something she could n't understand ; then she said , ‘ After Dada … died .
17 No , he had n't seen her for a week before that weekend ; he had missed her — this with a baleful glance towards the door — and had indeed got as far as ringing her up on the Saturday morning , hoping she would come up for Sunday , but had got no answer from her flat .
18 A few days after the Argentinian surrender , I saw her for a meeting on health service pay .
19 He came from Cambridge , and I have n't heard of her for a number of years .
20 He looked at her for a moment as if seeing her for the first time then paused , giving the question serious thought .
21 Nathan gazed fixedly at her for a moment with an expression she could n't fathom , then disappeared again .
22 Then , as she shuddered , he held her for a moment against him .
23 He stared at her for a moment before saying , ‘ Tea , please . ’
24 It held the faint tang of a man 's aftershave and she hugged it to her for a moment before realising how ridiculous she was being .
25 Tiny red eyes gleamed at her for a moment before disappearing .
26 And then , almost as if he had received some secret signal , he gave a slight nod of his head , grinning sardonically down at her for a moment before rolling off her body and gathering one of the twins up in his arms .
27 as he half knew , he would be asked to acquiesce in some lunatic scheme for pulling Tristram out of trouble , and saw her for a moment from a position of detachment : a tall young woman looking younger than her twenty-nine years .
28 He watched her for a moment in silence .
29 Luke watched her for a moment in silence , and Merrill 's gaze fell .
30 After studying her for a moment in silence , he added , ‘ What possessed you to take off your shoes and come charging out of the alley like that ? ’
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