Example sentences of "she look [prep] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She looks at me for a bit , then she goes over to the drawer and takes out another envelope .
2 I thought she 'd got over being ashamed of me , but now she looks at me with contemptuous pity .
3 But this girl her name is Monica she looks to me as if she 's suicidal , she could do anything . "
4 Why was she looking at me like that ?
5 She looked at me across the dining table , frowned and said , ‘ I do n't see the point . ’
6 She looked at me with an elegance of expression that is difficult to describe .
7 She looked at me with a reflective , appraising look .
8 She looked at me with a sudden hope .
9 She looked at me with a smile that implied fusion .
10 She looked at me with pity and something like disbelief .
11 She looked at me with what I took to be concern .
12 She looked at me with a defiant grin and a twinkle in her eye .
13 I wish I could have said that she was sweetly understanding , but she looked at me as if I were an incubus that had raped her and scraped along the brickwork , desperate to get past .
14 over and over she looked at me as if I was crazy .
15 I asked about the baby and she looked at me as if I should know . ’
16 So she looked at me as if to say well I have n't got one at all .
17 and there was a girl on and she said what is a bolster case and when I tried to explain to her she looked at me as if I lived in the ark and that was going back twenty years ago .
18 My tutor was a delightful stern lady , and I remember when I had written about John 's gospel , the epistles of John , and the book of Revelation , she looked at me over the top of her spectacles and announced ‘ Young man , you have assumed that because these books have all been attributed to a man named John , that they are all by the same person , who was also an apostle .
19 She looked at me for several seconds without speaking , and then said , ‘ Well , Molly , we all think you treat life as a joke ! ’
20 She looked at me for a moment , measuringly , as if wondering whether I meant it .
21 She looked at me in amazement .
22 She looked at me in the candle-light .
23 And she looked at me like that .
24 Sometimes I would catch her looking at me with such intensity of feeling that my breath left me for a moment .
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