Example sentences of "she have [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 She has hung out in cities When we go to bed together , sometimes the conversation turns to …
2 She has gone down in history with this quote when she spotted a likely-looking toy boy at a celebrity bash .
3 The bullet in the groin at the end of Lipstick may be cathartic , and we may take a certain ghoulish delight in watching Farrah Fawcett in Extremities debate whether to bury alive in the garden the attempted rapist she has tied up in her house .
4 At the church she 'd ended up in the cliche/1 situation of being frozen out by Marius ' relatives .
5 Nobody knew much about her , she 'd turned up in the town as a sort of companion-housekeeper to an old lady who had a house in Morrab Close , a Mrs Armitage — a widow .
6 She 'd stayed down in the lane with a sullen look on her face .
7 She hesitated , remembering the large rambling house she 'd grown up in and the hours she had spent with Mrs Richards , their cook and housekeeper , who lived in a self-contained flat over the double garage .
8 June Roberts said she 'd gone out in the car , saying nothing except that she 'd be back in time for cocktails at the Clarkes ' as she had promised , a business thing for Samuel .
9 As he moved away , Shannon sent a silent stream of curses after the mischievous imp in her soul which had landed her in this , desperately trying to remember the instructions she 'd skimmed through in the beginners ' ‘ learn-to-ski ’ handbook Kelly had given her .
10 And she 'd passed out in the phone box .
11 So she had grown up in a cold , almost emotionally empty vacuum .
12 It was an attitude she had encountered before admittedly — from people who assumed that because she had grown up in hotels , she had been able to enjoy all the comforts afforded to the customers .
13 But she was gone , she had run down in the thick tree shadows to a side street , was down that and in the busy main street within sixty seconds after she had thrown the stone .
14 She had stood out in the crowd even amongst the beautiful beach children of San Francisco .
15 This is how it would often be now that she had cast off in her own little ship of independence .
16 And the teacher , too , might have made the same terrible mistake that she had made back in Teheran all those years before .
17 She had gone about in awe of these adults , to whom she must-not chatter , before whom she must be silent and polite and smiling .
18 At one stage she had ended up in prison , then she had contracted HIV from a violent husband who was a heroin addict .
19 The governor 's pet was found by joggers after fears that she had ended up in a Chinese meal .
20 The sort of passionate encounter she had read about in novels .
21 So , thought Meredith grimly when she had arrived back in the kitchen of Rose Cottage , do we rush on madly to our doom .
22 The object in question was Franca 's divan bed , the one she had slept on in the upstairs spare room when she had been looking after Patrick .
23 She could n't really remember anything , only that she had been knitting and then she had woken up in this bed with her nosy , bossy sister sitting beside her .
24 She had an impression of being lifted up from the bed — she had cried out in agony , feeling as if she would break in half — and laid upon a stretcher .
25 Last time she had slipped out in the dark like this was on the night the Doyles had come , the night that had ended with a mystery and a death .
26 Madeleine was sitting at the red and black wicker table in the little conservatory at the back of the house , pinning a paper pattern on to the green and blue paisley material she had spread out in front of her .
27 Earlier she had come down in this lift with Steve and now she was going up with the last person on earth she could have envisaged .
28 Since a few ladies who had been at the tea would also be at the committee meeting , and , anyway , Boyd had messed up her best black afternoon dress , she wore now a pretty gown in green wool which she had picked up in the last sale at Eaton 's .
29 Her ankle boots she had picked up in an army surplus store , and were the most comfortable she had ever possessed .
30 And then she had lain down in the dark , naked but for her flimsy shawl , the window open to let in the night , and waited .
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