Example sentences of "she have [verb] him [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Raging at Felipe had just been because she 'd been shocked and scared for him when she 'd seen him take off into the air .
2 And Merrill did n't want to think of Luke and that hollow , unsatisfied feeling that had followed when she 'd seen him drive away last night .
3 She had seen him like this before , the night they 'd met , when he 'd been determined to have his own way ; she 'd seen him like this again , when he 'd announced she was not going to return to Milan …
4 But she was sure she 'd seen him jump .
5 It was the first time she 'd seen him look really happy .
6 It was the first time she 'd seen him smile and , though it obviously was n't intended to charm , it took her breath away and made her pulses quicken .
7 Whether because of the position she 'd made him adopt , or the bonds securing him , he was as stiff as a fence post .
8 From what you 've told us , Mrs Craig , she 'd heard him come in .
9 How could she have let him do that ?
10 Why could n't she have let him take her to one of those ?
11 Karen , very tired and possibly a little drunk , realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before , at an earlier dinner in the house , and that somehow it was probably quite offensive .
12 He was the biggest man in Polruan was Uncle Harry , a real giant of a man and once she had seen him knock a child over by mistake when all he had meant to do was cuff him playfully on the ear .
13 He looked like an old man suddenly and she realised how he had aged since she had seen him last .
14 At first she did n't recognise him , he was so much taller , so much gawkier than when she had seen him last .
15 He was sitting in the bar with a drink and the evening paper when she came down , and though he appeared not to notice her quiet descent until she was at the foot of the stairs , she had seen him shift his weight some seconds before he looked up , ready to spring to his feet and intercept her .
16 She had not seen him arrive at her home , since she had not known who he was when they had encountered each other in the garden — but she had seen him leave .
17 There were lines now from nose to mouth ; the lips were stern ; she had seen him take in the room , who was there , with whom , with one cold appraising glance as he entered .
18 She had seen him like this before , the night they 'd met , when he 'd been determined to have his own way ; she 'd seen him like this again , when he 'd announced she was not going to return to Milan …
19 Apparently they had no friends , with the possible exception of Roger — and she had seen him stiffen slightly when referred to as ‘ old Rodge ’ .
20 Jessamy remembered all the times she had seen him look like that in the past , when he had n't wanted her to know what he was thinking or feeling .
21 If only she had seen him come into the shop — but she always seemed to miss him .
22 It was the question that had been tormenting her from the very moment she had seen him enter the room .
23 She knew she had to let him go , but after buttoning him into his coat , she wrapped her arms tightly around him , crying almost hysterically .
24 It was a waste of time him going but he nagged so much that she had to let him go .
25 She had heard him use that tone of voice in the past and knew exactly what it meant .
26 Claudia opened her eyes wide , unable to believe she had heard him say ‘ our wedding ’ .
27 With a single look she had made him feel faintly ridiculous .
28 He remembered very clearly that she had made him look a fool .
29 At last she had made him look at her !
30 She had made him come alive in heart and mind .
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