Example sentences of "she [vb past] in [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As she taxied in to the small civilian terminal , Adam watched the three fighter planes ease their pointed noses skyward and climb at over thirty thousand feet a minute .
2 She flung the fork down , looking daggers at him , and continued : ‘ The house she lived in during the war received a direct hit , and for two days she was buried alive nursing a glass vase belonging to her mother .
3 She lived in as a bride .
4 ‘ Dejala , ’ they yelled as she rode in for the big swipe and missed it .
5 Paulus could sense it too as she moved in for the kill to claim a 2-6 , 6-4 , 6-3 victory .
6 And when she moved in for the kill she was as hard , and as final , as any of her male colleagues .
7 The custom of cleaning the close had been explained to Madge on the day she moved in by a small woman carrying a metal pail and a large card .
8 She slunk in through the French windows , hoping to creep upstairs unseen .
9 He left Helen and went to have a bath and in the cold steamy bathroom there came to him this vision of a distant unreal Helen looking — well , radiant was the unexpected word that came to mind — looking not her usual self at all in some frock that glowed and billowed and rustled as she came in at the front door late , pink-cheeked , a touch dishevelled and greeted by the stone wall of Dorothy 's disapproval .
10 When she came in for the second time her throat was like looking at a plate full of strawberries and cream — red enlarged tonsils with a coating of puss .
11 She came in with a further two bottles of champagne and took them , blue eyes shining , to Alfred , assembling the ingredients for the Rognons à la Didier .
12 She came in with a light , wary step , made a deep obeisance just within the doorway , and then advanced to the prince 's chair and sank at his feet , touching her lips to his proffered hand .
13 This week she came in with the garment — very nicely knitted but with the sleeves ( in the stocking stitch ) too short .
14 When she came in with the junket , the row had obviously developed .
15 She came in through the corridor , shuffling in her thick black clothes .
16 Spittals ' hands glowed from the diligent rubbing he was applying to them as she came in through the door at ten o'clock .
17 She came in through the yard door , and from the moment he saw her , Dauntless could tell she was a sorceress of deftness and strength .
18 She came in by the side-door just as the clients arrived , and , taking Joanna 's overall from the peg , she followed Sophie into the waiting-room .
19 As she climbed in to the Glass Coach with her father , Diana had several practical considerations to overcome .
20 Carefully she turned in through the wide hospital gates .
21 Refusing the invitation to go in for coffee , Fran hurried back to the car and drove across town , only slowing when she turned in through the gates of the college and made her way along the rutted gravel path to pull up in front of the old sandstone building next to Luke 's car .
22 She cut in on a station wagon , forcing the driver to brake heavily , then made fifty yards on the hard shoulder .
23 Summoning up all her courage , she keeked in through a window and was startled to see a pair of large horns .
24 When she walked in at the back door Mrs Peterson said : ‘ You 're back then .
25 She was feeling pleased with her progress when she walked in on a typical scene on the terrace of room 216 .
26 She stepped in to the room on the soft carpet and said loudly in French , ‘ What the hell do you think you 're doing ? ’
27 She pulled in at a motorway service station and decided on lunch .
28 It was a great relief to him when she stumbled in through the door in a flurry of snow and he set to and made a cup of tea to warm her .
29 It was one of those cosmic accidents which are no accident , that the next day , when she called in at a bookshop to look for some more Morris titles , she should find on the same shelf the total output of Professor M. L. Vaughan ; and among the rest his : Aurae Phiala : A Pleasure City of the Second Century A.D. She took it down and opened it at random , and the prose caught her by its incandescent fervour .
30 As she called in at the supermercado , toured the fruit and vegetable market , bought chicken legs from the Dutch butcher , a kaleidoscope of questions formed and reformed itself in her head .
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