Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Butterfield 8 ’ she read out in a clear , schoolmarm voice .
2 She squelched along in the muddy ruts left by the cattle , avoiding other more unpleasant tokens of their passage .
3 With a winning smile at a rather bemused young man , she dragged him up to dance , and every time she saw Feargal she made off in the opposite direction .
4 When she got up in the morning , always had amethyst earrings — and she left to me actually — and she always looked absolutely immaculate .
5 Because it had always been in the back of her mind , from the moment she got up in the morning until she went to bed at night .
6 She got back in the bed wet through , and sat up brazenly as the young girl brought the tray in .
7 " You must go to the city , for the princess of this land has lost her keys as she rode out in the meadows by the river , and she has sent all her people to hunt for them .
8 She passed out in the wings after her last exit . ’
9 ‘ The worm ! ’ she shouted out in a hoarse voice that was still barely her own .
10 She rose up in the world without lifting a finger when she married into the gentry and I daresay she let him feel the difference been them .
11 She 'd feel a little sorry for the little girl if she blacked out in the race and fell under all those hooves .
12 On her way to the house she stopped off in the Campo San Maurizio to see if Annunziata had everything she needed for the dinner she was preparing to welcome Comfort , and discovered that the English post had arrived with a letter from George Wilson .
13 She poked about in the brambles and wagged her tail .
14 Luckily she had walked , or tottered , in the right direction , and after days which she could no longer recall , sleeping in barns and eating raw eggs when she could find them , she woke up in a Red Cross Hospital .
15 I had a friend who told me she fell for a boy when she woke up in the morning and realised he did n't snore .
16 She remembered nothing more until she woke up in the ambulance .
17 But when she woke up in the morning , the frog was still a frog .
18 She woke up in the morning feeling heavy-eyed and with a dull headache lurking behind her eyes .
19 It was only when she was reasonably sober , when , say , she woke up in the morning , head throbbing , tongue parched , that she suspected in retrospect that she had n't been quite so rationally conscious of those selfsame thoughts and actions …
20 Then she roared off in an estate car with the baby in the back .
21 As she flopped down in a corner seat , Constance looked at the man pushing her case on to the rack opposite .
22 Then she flopped down in the chair opposite .
23 Mulling it over as she strolled along in the morning sunshine , passed occasionally by a battered Renault or a woman on a pushbike with a basket of baguettes swinging from the handlebars , Melissa felt more and more uneasy at her friend 's obvious emotional commitment to Bonard .
24 That was below the belt , but instead of stopping there while she was still in one piece , she drove on in a high , hectoring voice , ‘ Do n't you think your daughter deserves a little rest instead of going home to slave for you after she 's been working all week ? ’
25 She twisted round in the seat but could see no sign of a pursuing car .
26 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
27 Alexandra would find her by the fire in the drawing-room in the afternoons , the Pekinese guarding her against invisible dangers , then she came down in the mornings and needed letters written , wools held .
28 She came back in a lively mood dressed in ruby velvet with her furs .
29 She came back in a few minutes , looking very serious .
30 She threw up in the gutter .
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