Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 She plunged happily into the familiar noise and chaos of a house with three boys and unpacked the four plastic shopping bags that contained the gifts she had brought .
2 When the tower walls swung back into focus Isabel found herself clutching a chainmail tunic , quite unaware of the metal links cutting into her palms as she gazed straight into the ice-blue eyes of her husband .
3 She gazed dispiritedly into the mirror , and the face looking back was like that of a stranger , pale and hollow-eyed .
4 As she rode further into the changing forest , she found the remnants of their defeat …
5 He handed down the cane and the bicycle lamp and she waded away into the shadows as the curious faces of the villagers , the anxious face of her father , peered down at her .
6 She moved cautiously into the room .
7 Colour swam under her skin , and she moved further into the room and closed the door , feeling as she did so that she was cutting off her last line of retreat .
8 Then she moved quietly into the kitchen and made herself a mug of tea .
9 Reluctantly tearing herself away from Marc as they went to ready themselves for the ceremony later on , she changed rapidly into the coat-dress bought for the wedding , then did her face and piled up her hair .
10 She squinted nervously into the room .
11 Reaching her car at last , she drove away into the silent night , gazing through a gauze of tears over the snow-covered mountains ahead .
12 She came tentatively into the house , as warm and gentle as anything , and she took Dad out to the car .
13 ‘ I was casing Barbs 's place and she came right into the garden .
14 She came further into the kitchen .
15 ‘ Fine , I 'll see you later , ’ I said as she retreated briskly into the caravan .
16 She turned right into the High Street then jumped from the cycle and began pushing it up an alleyway on her left which led into the stables cum car park at the rear of the Berkeley Chase Hotel .
17 Instinct told her to find somewhere to lie up , so she turned unsteadily into the shelter of the trees .
18 She turned abruptly into the fitting-room and after a very short time reappeared , looking as perfect as if she had spent hours dressing instead of minutes .
19 So Caterina the next day ran into Tommaso on an errand as if by accident and muttered to him ; she was twisting her limbs and quite red with fear , but he followed her as she ducked awkwardly into the church and knelt in front of the Madonna of the Spasm in the votive chapel .
20 She dug deeper into the flesh of his lower back and buttocks , raising her hips to press him deeper into her still , her sex tightening around his cock as though to prevent him from leaving her unspent .
21 The next day she appeared with a box of her own tapes of classical music which she thrust endlessly into the cassette machine with a distracted smile .
22 Jackie phoned me up to say , she phoned me up today for a chat , we were chatting away and she said erm , I heard Brenda , Brenda , so I knew it was girl , and er , I was saying she walked straight into the kitchen and I was sort of still on the phone , I was saying yeah , yeah , ok and erm , I said I 'm going out shopping and I 'm taking the dog with me , I said ok fair enough , she said well you 'll probably be gone when I get back , I said oh might be but she said but I do n't know and erm you know and I just put the phone down cos she wanted to see the pictures , my little girl asked put all the pictures up for him and er were looking at all the pictures and I 'd forgotten about Jack on the phone you know , so she s all of a sudden I got back she said oh your phone call she said who you talking too ?
23 Taking a deep , controlling breath , she walked indignantly into the room .
24 The one who was sharing Tony 's bed — and sharing it so enthusiastically that neither of them heard Folly 's approaching footsteps until she walked right into the room .
25 The smile swept her face and she patted his hand , and then she had spun on her heel and the swing was in her hips as she walked away into the hurrying crowds .
26 Then she could dress herself — though Ember was right : the others laughed at her for wearing clothes in the burrow , even the other two or three towers , and their mockery made her retreat in teenage confusion when she walked shyly into the crowded common-room .
27 Slowly , for she could still hear them less than half a mile away , she walked forward into the thick of it .
28 And as she stepped forward into the room , he stepped backwards into the yard and , raising his hat he again said , ‘ Well , good afternoon , ’ to which she also replied , ‘ Good afternoon . ’
29 She stepped aside into the doorway of the next room while Luch drifted out and down the stair .
30 As she stepped further into the boatyard , she thought : I hope you can hear me , Pascoe , and I hope you can see me clearly from the tree , because I can smell the tiger .
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