Example sentences of "she [vb past] [art] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope not , ’ Sophie said involuntarily , then flushed as she met the others ' surprised looks .
2 As she passed the Haynes ' cottage , it seemed something was amiss there , too .
3 ‘ How 's your mother , Nurse Avery ? ’ asked Sister Robinson , as she approached the nurses ' station where Juliet was studying Bobbie Cole 's test results .
4 Joyce Barr was again in commanding form as she lifted the ladies ' title bearing Margaret Holligan of Economics .
5 Initially she welcomed the professionals ' involvement because she believed this might result in help and advice in identifying the reasons for Tom 's deteriorating behaviour .
6 Again she heard the boys ' warm approving voices , voices that left her outside the heat of that dangerous moment .
7 She heard the Josephs ' astonishment and their feet close after her .
8 Presumably few people said ‘ No ’ to him , Well , Kelly reflected as she dialled the Templemans ' number angrily , there was a first time for everything .
9 She volunteered the information that her eldest daughter was ‘ that good with little ones ’ , also that her eldest son , Bert , then fifteen and dead set on becoming a fisherman , might nevertheless be able to lend a hand now and then on ‘ the farm ’ , as she called the Tremaynes ' few acres .
10 Her mother was so concerned that she rang a parents ' help-line .
11 She rang the Templemans ' number .
12 In 1951 came the excitement of the MEdaus ' visit ; the next year Hilda became the Society 's first reassurer ; then in preparation for her move to Weston-Super-Mare in 1961 , she took the leaders ' training .
13 She had no travellers ' tales , no air of a person who had been on a journey , and I knew she would be both disbelieving and resentful if I should try to describe the eternal vistas I had glimpsed .
14 She said the Serbs ' agreement to let the convoy move on would not affect the UNHCR 's decision , announced on Wednesday , to suspend relief operations for Bosnia-Herzegovina because all sides in the conflict there were playing politics with humanitarian aid .
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