Example sentences of "she [vb past] [be] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 SHe 'd been charting possible escape routes for a while now , the main reason for not taking advantage of them being a certain concurrence with Jahsaxa 's opinion that blackouts could occur on the street .
2 She 'd been feeling sick a morning or two , but not so as it interfered with her work , and no one remarked on it .
3 She 'd been feeling lonely and vulnerable .
4 She 'd been sitting motionless for over an hour , conducting an inner battle over the need to alert the board of Chester 's about Guy 's perfidy , with the stubborn hope that somehow she might be wrong keeping her glued to the spot , torn with indecision …
5 She felt great , better rested than she 'd felt for weeks now , the little aches of fatigue she 'd been growing used to now all miraculously ironed out .
6 Marie made a conscious effort to close her mouth , which she knew was hanging open .
7 She had been wearing blue faded jeans , and a white sweat shirt flattened against the pointed nipples and the upturned breasts ; the cotton seeming too thin a protection against the freshening onshore breeze .
8 ‘ Not at all , ’ Rain said quickly , deducing she had been looking bored .
9 She tugged at the sides of the hammock and hooked her head forward as she whispered to Ariel , who was standing away from her , the moss she had been using dripping water on to the dust .
10 It was again as if she had been struck , her hands barely moving along the surface of the dresser she had been wiping clean of dust , her head going low , and when she finished she went to put the damp cloth carefully beside the sink , moving a simmering saucepan from the hotplate .
11 A client who hated her job told me she had been considering other options for two years , without taking any positive action .
12 She had been experiencing considerable feelings of grief about her husband and had been able to cry on occasions .
13 She allowed her steady gaze to flicker from the glass which she had been holding firm .
14 Seemingly she had been living rough since her owner died and knew a good home when she found one .
15 She had been working full time in a local factory for the past 8 years and usually enjoyed good relationships with her friends .
16 In fact she had been feeling tired and queasy for the past few days ; and that night , when the leading man laid her on the sofa , suddenly turned her head and , without letting the audience see , vomited quietly down the sofa back .
17 Mr Wildish said : ‘ I would n't have thought she had been sleeping rough . ’
18 Re-rigging the ship for an Antarctic voyage inside of a week , after she had been lying idle for over a year , was quite impossible .
19 She had been noting various titles during Joyce 's discourse ; there was a new book about bats that Edward would want , and one or two things she would like to get hold of herself — the sole perquisite of this trade was a surreptitious early pick of incoming titles before they went on the shelves .
20 SHE HAD BEEN keeping quiet .
21 She had been sitting still in her seat .
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